LE Prices!
17 years & 15 days ago
12th Dec 2007 02:48 Do not maramail meh saying they are wrong. I really don`t care, because I copied and pasted them here. I wouldn`t waste my own time writng all these out.
Daisy 330k
Phanty 500k
Poera 4.5-6k
Huthiq 500 - 750k
Zoink 650 - 800k
Kronk 700k
Oglue 700k
Snookle 1.6 - 2 Million
Quell 2 - 4.5 Million (Retiring soon)
Chibs 3 - 4.5 Million (Retiring soon)
Lati 3 - 5 Million (Retired)
Ercuw 4 - 5 million (Retired)
Mordo 3.5 - 4 million (Retired)
Sindi 4.5 Million (Retired, Returning Soon)
Yuni 5 - 7.5 Million
Viotto 8.5 Million
Rofling 12+ Million ( ?! )
5-20+ Phanty, Daisy, Poera, and Huthiq
25+ Kronk, Oglue, and Zoink
35+ Snookle
40-50+ Lati, Chibs, Quell, and Sindi
70+ Mordo, and Ercuw
80+ Yuni
100+ Viotto
120+ Rofling
17 years & 25 days ago
2nd Dec 2007 14:43 I am Pika.
I am 16, going on to 17. (On the next Jan. 2)
I live in a house.
On planet earth.
Yes. I know, I`m incredible. Right?
I have a dog.
I have a favorite Celeb.
Yes. It is Justin Timberlake.
I had a best friend.
Moo. (Her name must be censored.)
She`s Ebil. Beware!
She pokes me with Thumbtacks.
Her sis is still my friend though.
I luffles her. As a friend.
I also have awesome Marapals.
Like: Becc, Berry, Claydoh, Lexi, MrP and many more.
That`s just a few out of all 41 awesome friends.
My pets May be for trade sometimes. Probably not though.
This is for all the Lil' Golddiggers,
I won`t give you my Items, MP or pets.
I`m not mean.
I`m just not a giver.
And thats all... For now.