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If you are waiting for a reply from me please see my info to see how soon to bug me xD Couldn't bear to take down my little profile I've had for years but its getting out dated.I still give kudos to anyone who reads my info. Im over 30 now and have 3 wonderful children who often keep me busy. I'm not always on, though i log on frequently, but when I am I always try to reply quickly, however, sometimes my kids will pull me away after I read a mail and I may not be able to reply right away because of it. If I dont answer after reading it within 24 hours feel free to mail again. If I did not read please consider that I may not have gotten on and give me a little more time or if you could let me know if you find what you're looking for so I can reply accordingly. If you offer on my lot or mm an offer, if I am on/read the mail and dont answer, it is not a no, I am concidering or busy, please be patient and dont withdraw. Thank you

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    6 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years & 5 months ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    10 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
In Case it gets lost
13 years, 3 months & 24 days ago
8th Jun 2011 19:39

Me:It was daybreak and Catherine had jut woken up to the rising sun. She walked into her brothers room in the appartment they had been staying in. She looked at him as the sun peeked into his window. She then walked over to shut the blinds to allow her dear brother to sleep a bit longer. When she had shut the blinds she smiled and looked over at her brother. "Good morning." She whispered. She was usually just as quiet as her brother when there was no reason to speak up. She walked to the side of the bed and glaced at his body from head to toe. She sighed and leaned over to give him a small kiss on his cheek. She then walked out of his room, shutting the door to prevent any light getting in assuming he was still asleep. As she reached the kitchen her cat eye glared over at the clock. Six in the morning, what else was new? She put the frying pan on the stove a searched for the olive oil spray. She listened intently for her brother and worried for him. She needed to be sure nothing was causing him harm. Once she fount the spray she sprayed the pan down and sat it on the flame on the stove. She pulled the bacon out of the freezer, cut the bag open and pealed them apart. When she finished that the bacon sizzled at it hit the pan and began to cook. The bacon dripped its grease as it began to cook more. She waited until the bacon strips were crisp, then moved to the second package as she moved the first off the pan. She was cooking more than she needed but she knew she would finish whatever was not eaten. The next batch was not crisp but cooked nicely. She then sat at the table waiting for her brother to start.

Jessica was standing outside of an elementary school laying down ice sheets to skate on with her steel toe boots. She half smiled as she stepped on to the ice and ran on it, extending it as she moved along it. She eventually skid and fell laughing. She brushed herself off and her smile faded. She then walked away. She could not burn it up, that was Jenn's power, not hers, even though she still had the dual appearence. She then sat under a tree that she dodged which had caused her fall. She looked down and then looked up with her hair just lightly shading her face, allowing someone looking at her to only see her two different color eyes of ice and heat extremities. She smirked lightly knowing the trouble this would cause if someone saw. Today was a full day for Jessica, as her and Jenn had planned sometime before. She began to make a figure eight with her finger pointing towards the floor, this created a small figure eight shaped piece of ice that fell to the floor when it finished, she did this without moving her head about ten times and chucked. She picked up the top one and began to suck on it like a candy holding on end of the eight in the hand she created them with.

Rein seeing the sun approach over the horizon jumped out of bed and threw on her pink coat as she ran out the door of the shack she stayed in. She ran as fast as she could, still buttoning her coat, to the town near buy. If it would not be unsanitary or disrepectfull to change clothes out in the open she would have lived in the wild because a house was much to safe for her. When Rein finally reached the center of the town by the tall foutian she shoved her hands into her pockets and used her telekinesis to remove a deck af cards from her back pocket. As she did this she yawned and used her telekinesis to shuffle the deck while she awaited the crowd. The deck sat at her stomach area and appeared to shuffle itself over and over, even shuffling with the brigde method. She constantly glanced around waiting for someone or some people to start her show for.

Reply:His finger continued to tap from under the blanket, even though his eyes where closed ever so lightly. For something most people drooled, rolled around and snored at, Tobias looked rather relaxed, if he was calm and just casually relaxing. His I-Pod flickered from under his blanket and he still had his eyes closed but thing was that he didn't sleep at all through the night. He was aware that Catherine was awake, smelling the cooking coming from the kitchen and was very much aware of her presence in his room a few minutes ago or so but he just remained where he was. He really was greatful to have Catherine. He didn't know what to do with out her being here. He didn't know who she was or why she was helping him but he was very happy that she was here. He did not show it and was a little shy to tell her how much it meant for her to be with him. After all of this time, he missed his moment. He slowly turned his I-Pod off and slowly sat up, his hair neat all the same, looking rather fresh for someone who just got out of bed. He walked over and got changed, slipping on his leather jacket, seeing he is going out. He done his hair, taking a while to do so before leaving his room. He walked through the halls, catching sight of Catherine sitting at the table with breakfast out. He just looked from the table and at Cathrine, his sea, blue eyes focused on her face, taking in every single detail about her before looking down at the floor, unable to hold the eye contact.
"You've been busy," he then said in a good way, but he was not smiling. He rarley did, but his voice was soft and calming sounding as he spoke to Catherine, looking at the unique dark shades in her skin from her second form.

It's not the greatest thing to go through. Of course, Riley didn't really care. He didn't care about his bad repetation from both adults and children. All he did want was the school. It was hard to explain, but if you had the mind of Riley Kirkwood, then you would indeed know why. He knew it was a little too early to be around the school and he was not aloud to set foot in the school gates but that doesn't mean he cant stay out and cause trouble. He had better things to do. He had more planning. He just looked at the school building as he stood outside the large, tall, iron gates, arms folded against his chest as he took in everything. Brick by brick. His golden coloured eyes flickered over the empty campus before returning back to the front as he sighed and turned on his heel, turning away from what should of been his. Riley was annoyed. In his mind, everyone but himself where weak.
'It's not my fault that people die easily,' was one of the things he told a studant. To him, other people where like glass orniments. Once they drop, they break and shatter into many peices.

Zafi wasn't one to stick his nose into someone elses business. He didn't care about what people where doing around him. He just ignored everyone else. Their thoughts. Their actions. Their fights. If it didn't concern him, then he never got involved, seeing he was not the nosey type. He just sat in the strangley quiet town, on a bench as he read his book which most people thought was just a normal book. He had one leg over the other, leaned back, long, black cloak handing around him, sleeves long and baggy. People often labeled him as an Emo or a Goth because of his dress sense. But he just ignored them all. His hair was in a strange style but it seemed very different from others. He noticed a girl by the fountain with a deck of cards which seemed to be shuffling themselves. His only visible aqua coloured eye focused on her and only her, concentration leaving his book for once.

Me:Cathrine smiled gently and nodded. "Are you hungry?" She could tell he was still not feeling well, not only as his sister but her cat-like side of her, like any good pet could tell a masters emotions she could see his. She was rather quiet as well this morning. She wanted to tell him more than her mind would allow. She wanted to ask what was wrong but she knew the answer to that and knew he did not. "Come sit with me and eat, you can't go on an empty stomach." She would have let him go but her concern for him kicked in as it always would. Now noticing his fresh appearence she wondered if he had been awake long and realized he may have noticed her kiss. She knew that it was not meant to be more than just sister to brother, but she also knew that he did not know that. Her face grew red with embarrassment but she did not say anymore as she kept the gentle smile across her face. She then looked down at her currently empty plate. She was not very hungry, which was wh she waited for him but he apitite did not grow. Last night she could not stop thinking about what her parents had done to Tobias. She worried dearly for him, and began to wonder if he had gotten any sleep. She patted the seat next to her and waited for him to join her, her face still beat red thinking about her kissing him.

Jessica looked around for a bit before she finally decided to stand. Her eyes were highlighed by the rays of the sun as it rose a bit higher making the two different colors even more prominant. Jessic began to walk by the old boaring school she had once attended with a friend of hers. After a while of walking, she became bored and created another ice path to skate. She chuckled as she moved so slickly on the ice and desided to trail her thoughts to why she did not want a car. It was ovious that this was much more fun, but Jenn would not be able to do this, so eventually she would have no choice. She skid across her path in an attempt to stop and tried to build an ice patch to stop her from flying off into a person she could see at the gate. She came rather close to a stop but she know she would slide too far, however, the ice patch she attempted to make, though created, did not serve its perpose. She triped over it and fell right on top of the kid. She got up quickly brushing herself off and blushing. "Hey I am so sorry." She watcher him for a moment and Jenn started to become interested as she realized it was a guy. They both where curious about guys, if they were not Jessica's type they may have been Jenn's and vice versa, which was normally the reason for body possession struggle.

A smile jumped across Rein's face as she saw the potential customer. She saw a man reading a book whick was less exciting to her and she hoped it had been the same to him. She walked up to him almost slowly but got to him rather quickly. "Hey you're a new face." She did not remove her hands from her pockets but her cards continued to shuffle as she walked and when she stoon in front of him. "Tell you what," she made eye contact with him after looking at him, "I normally charge two bucks for a show, but you can sit in free. Just don't tell anyone, alright?" She smiled at him and began to make her cards jump higher, her hands still in her pocket. Her voice was almost tomboy-ish but it was girly enough that you could tell. "What do you say? Want to watch?" Her card flew higher and higher. Rein's face grew pink in color, likely to be from her smile. "I mean what's life without something new? Right?" She was hoping she did not talk to much. While now waiting for him to respond she took her hand out of her coat pocket and the deck flew into a mess, so much of one that they should have rained around her, but she made them all fall gently into her hand without moving and into a neat deck.

Reply:Tobias slowly looked up again, looking at Cathrine through his icy, blue eyes as he slowly took a step forward before stopping, looking as if he where thinking before walking next to Cathrine, sitting slowly next to her. He smiled slightly but then it slid off his face as he slowly picked up a fork as if he where choosing some weapon before taking hold of it.
"You did this all?" he asked, looking at all of the breakfast Cathrine made. He did pause after every few words everytime he spoke for some reason. Mostly because he might be afraid to speak his mind or maybe because when ever he did speak. his father turned him down. Davis was the favorite. He only really remembers Davis because he is always popping into town to make him feel guilty. But he was oblivious to the fact that Catherine had also been part of the tragic family....the pain....the horror...the deaths. "Or did elves come in and help you?" he then asked with another smile but once again, it vanished in a matter of seconds. He never was a fan of food. He rarley ate. But when he did, he had a fair amount. He chuckled as he shook his head slowly, eyes looking black because his hair was shadowing on his face. His small laugh slowly faded as he slowly took a strip of bacon onto his plate. "Thank you...Catherine...."

Riley quickly got to his feet, golden coloured eyes flashing over to Jessica, eyes full of anger before they calmed down ever so slightly. "Just watch where your going in the future..." he then said quietly as he exhaled deeply before he got a proper look of Jessica, eyes widining slowly. "What the...?" he said, trailing off, heaving chest slowing down, tightened fists loosining. What a strange apperance. "Let me guess," Riley then said with a cool smirk on his face but was still also being rather teasing. "Couldn't decide what outfit to choose, huh? Or hair style or contact lenses?" he then asked before cackling harshly. "Whatever-" he said, not waiting for a reply. "I get it... we all get those days," he said sarcasticly before smirking again. "Right?"

"Excuse me?" Zafi then asked, glassy eyes sofining slightly. "I don't have time for childish games," he then said before his facial expression froze before he then sighed, shaking his head softly. "What harm can it do?" he then asked himself out loud. "Okay then... let us see what you can do," he then smiled softly, book still open as he kept his eyes on Rein.

Me:Catherine nodded and her smile faded also. She took two strips of bacon with her fork and began to play with it. She watched him as he got quiet and glanced at him then down to his plate. She wondered how much he did remember but did not want to burden him with such sorrows. She brought a peice of bacon to her mouth, chuckling at the elf comment. She took a single bite and put the fork back into her dish staring at it. "I'ld do anything for you." She said without thinking in reply to his thank you. After she realized what she said she looked up at the wall then down to her plate. Her eyes began to water as she thought on the past. She wanted to tell him the truth, but she feared the pain it would cause so she did not. "Are you," she hesitated, she already knew the answer to the question she planned to ask. Her eyes became swollen because she hating keeping thing from him but she did not know what else to do. She rubbed her eyes to wipe the tears without him noticing and they swelled up even more as though they soaked up the water, but the water was gone. She then tried to make eye conact with him, as the swelling simmered and her eyes returned to their normal yellow, green state. "Are you feeling any better?" She asked finally. She was hoping he was, she wanted to tell him soon but when he was ready.

Jessica chuckled but Jenn did not waist a moment. She was mad, so she fought Jessica off. Jessica was quiet and appeared to struggle for a moment. Jenn pushed her way though, shoving Jessica out of the way as much as she could. Jessica clenched her fist and closed her eyes tightly for a moment. Then Jenn bursted though after what felt like a long fight. "What did you say brat?" There was much more anger in her voice. "I was born this way you jerk!" Her emotion was strong and was not going to let this guy get away with insulting her like that. Jenn did not waist anytime. "I don't think you would appreciate being insulted if you eyes where different colors and your hair naturally was two different colors!" Her entire countenance had changed when Jenn began to speak. Jessica was no longer there. She glared at him with her icey hot stare. She was not going to sit around a take such things. Jenn never did take things lightly. She turned and burned the bridge or path of ice Jessica made. "And I though you might be worth talking to." She gave him a moment to respond, still angered but she could not help it, hot tempered was natural.

Rein's smile faded but returned when the man agreed to watch. "That's the spirit!" She chuckled as she took her other hand out of her pocket and used her power to remover her coat. "There thats better." She then threw the deck up into the air, this time letting the cards fall to the floor. She then waved her finger in a circle facing the floor. The cards began to gather on the floor and formed a circle. She then held her hand out, palm up and each card came to her hand landing one by one in a deck fasion. When the deck finished stacking the cards put themselves away in a coat pocket. she looked at the man and chuckled she staired down the bench he had been sitting on and without moving a noticable muscle, the bench lifted into the air. Her focus brought it to about a foot high. She would have gone higher as she would do with kids so they would enjoy it, but she was not sure how this man would take it. She waited a moment then brought the bench down slowly. She then turned to the fountian and focused at the top. Something moved and then traveled to her hand. She left her hand open and turned back to the man. A blue bird flew away as she did so and Rein smiled as she held out a stone that had sat in the top of the fountian for year that she always used in her act. The stone then returned to its place. "Well?" She chuckled. "Was it worth it?" She did not put on her coat in fact she waited patiently for the mans responce. Her dark blue eyes smiling with her. She blushed slightly and was excited to hear what he had to say.

Reply:Tobias was silent as he began to push the single strip of bacon around on his plate with his silver fork, eyes down on the nicley cooked meat, looking rather focused on what he was doing before he took a knife and then cut it but then didn't pick it back up with his fork, feeling rather awkward for a moment as he swallowed before slowly turning his head to look at Cathrine.
"Yes, I am feeling well thank you," he answered quietly as if he where whispering. But this time he didn't smile. He just kept his eyes on Cathrine, deep blue eyes wonderous looking before he looked back down at his plate. "I know you would..." he then said before trailing off. "And I would do anything for you," he then said, keeping his eyes still on Cathrine before looking back down at his plate before eating.

Riley's smirk turned into a small smile.
"I know that dumbass," he then said deviously as he let his arms drop to his sides. "I have seen you around before," he then sighed, not at all angry or scared as he shrugged lazily before sitting down on the bench by the school like insulting people was an everyday thing. "Naahh, to be honest, it's a rather funky look," he then complimented with a wink before leaning back on the wall.

Zafi looked down at the ground now that the bench was back down, eyes flickering back up at Rein. Or should I say eye, seeing the other was hidden by his hair. "Worth it?" he then asked as he slowly closed the large, black book. "Worth it?" he asked again. "It was worth it," he then smiled gently, showing relaxation towards Rein and amazement to her preformance. "I think you should charge more than two bux."

Me:Catherine smiled a she heard him say he would do anything for her. She knew times were very hard for him especially now. She then looked over at Tobias and any appearence of content on her face faded. I want you to know who I really am, she thought. She knew he could read her mind but she did not care, it was true. "Tobias, hm." She could not even fake a smile now. "I am sorry." she said it out loud but wished she had not. She was saying sorry for her failure. Sorry that she did not tell him about what had been going on. And sorry for not telling him sooner that she was her sister. She was expecting him to ask why she was sorry, but maybe it would make it easier to tell him. Or harder she was not sure, but she wanted to protect him. She feared the question she awaited him to ask. She looked down at her plate and made eye contact with him again. She nodded slightly for no appearent reason as her skin finally returned to its not so red color.

Jenn smiled as she became flirtatios. She liked the bad boy type of guy who enjoyed making a mess of things. "Wiseass," She chuckled much more calm now. "Thanks." Her smile was still not quite full but was more on the fire eye side of her face. Jessica was angry, today was her day and she had been stuffed up into her own head. Let me back out! Jessica yelled but only within their mind. Shut up he's mine. Jenn returned in thought. "So, what's a guy like you doing out here? Almost looks like you should be in that school." Jenn than gained even more of an interest. Skipping or suspention, either way he was no angel. He was just her type! At least that was how it seemed. As she got a good look at him she waited for his reponse leaning her boosts into the dirt.

"See?" Rein's smile grew wider. "Glad you enjoyed it, and I guess I could charge more," She shrugged, "Doesn't bother me much, but now that I think about it extra cash would be nice." She chucked as her skate boared rode from her shack to her feet. She stepped on one end to grab the other she would push up. "So," She chuckled, not knowing what to say. She thought it would be interesting to try something differnt for a change. Her coat came and put itself on her shoulders and she let go of her skateboard to let the coat catch her arms in the sleeves. The skae boad stood on its own until she grabbed hold of it again. "Want to get breakfast?" She was improvising at this point, she had no one else to run a show for at the moment and this guy appeared intereting. "I'll buy." She offered as her smile lingered more softly now waiting for his reply.

Reply:Tobias stopped eating again as he looked over at Cathrine before looking down at his plate again that had greese and yoke on it and a peice of toast as he swallowed before looking rather serious. "For what exactly?" he then asked as he sniffed before beggining to push the toast around the plate with his fork again, looking rather dark but then his eyes sofened up. He didn't want to intrge her mind. Sometimes it never worked but if she left him hanging, he will have to try and see what she was thinking. "You can tell me," he then said gently as he dug his fork into the toasted bread, eyes on the edge of the plate as he awaited a reply from her.

"What am I doing out here?" Riley asked as he watched Jessica (Jenn) suddenly growing all bouncy and curious. "Well, I am only really out here because I am not aloud in there," he said, pointing to the school that was behind the iron gates. "Teachers can be really fragile and touchy. It irritates me," he then said as he picked at the bench before looking over at Jessica. "Now! What are you doing out here?" he then asked as he leaned forward to look at the unique presance she had.

"It amazed me," Zafi smiled. And very little did. "I already had breakfast," he then explained to Rein. "But if you have not, I can buy it for you," he then replied as he got off the bench and watched Rein, long, black cloak flowing out off the bench as he looked at the girl. "...My name is Zafi," he then said to her.

Me:Catherine looked down, though the table to the floor. What choice did she have? She no longer knew what to say. "Tobias," She said now more softly than normal. "I am sorry things are so hard on you. Sometimes, I wonder if I caused it." She did not know if she would understand, she could tell that his curiosity was genuine so she assumed he was not reading her mind. She was not lying. She felt as though she could have prevented much of his pain, and like she could have fixed it, but rather she kept her mouth shut and everything fell into pieces. She may not have been able to save him from the pain, but she did not plan to 'fail' him again. She wanted to say, Hey Tobias I am your sister, but she was not sure what that would do. "Anyway," She tried to change the subject before he spoke. "Do you have plans for today?" Her eyes were still glued to the floor, watching him from the corner of her eye. She was now unsure she hould have spoken up again. She was scared to giveaway anymore. Protection was key, she would not let him be harmed at any cost.

"Not allowed? So suspended? Or are you not a student?" She chuckled with sarcasm to get on his nerves. "And what am I doing here?" She looked back to where the ice path once stood and asked under her breath, "What on earth was Jessica thinking? What would she want here?" Jenn did not have all of the same memories as Jessica did. Though they shared a mind, they did not share every thought. Somethings they did not want eachother to know had slipped though, others that they did not care about would hide within one of them. Jessica's reason for being here was much different than expected. Jenn did not know at all and had been confused. Jessica had come here to remember the times with an old friend of her's. One whom she dated and knew for a long time. At one point in time they both attended the school. Jenn was not around at the time so she had been just as clueless as Riley. She Shrugged.

"Oh no I'm good Zafri but thanks." She smiled brightly. "The name is Rein." She held out her right hand to shake his. "I am the towns favorite magician and magic act." She chucked. "Or at least I like to think that." She set her skate board down and made it roll ever so slightly from side to side. "So, you from around her?" She had been curious. His face had seemed new to her and he intruiged her. "Or where are you from?" She put one foot on the center of her board. She was getting ambicious, she wanted to do a stunt, but respectfully awaited his responce.

Reply:"No," Tobias smiled gently as he took a drink of orange juice before sitting the cold glass down which only got colder because of his body tempreture. "You are a...good person," he then said gently as he then looked back down at his plate. "You helped me. And I thank you..." he then said before sitting his fork down again, full. "I...don't know," Tobias then said. "Maybe just see what's happining..and...all..." he said, trailing off, not sure what he was going to do today. Just sit around the allies. See whats going on in the world.

"Excuse me?" Riley then asked as he raised a brow at Jessica (Jenn), wondering what she was talking about. "And yes. Suspension. Who is Jessica?" he then asked as he got up from the bench, walking closer to her but stopped half way, looking rather curious, more people starting to arrive at the school. The gates slowly opened but he didn't look back, he just kept his eyes on Jenn, wondering what she was meaning. "I asked you," he then said with a short laugh. "Not...Jessica...who ever that is," he then said, trailing off, thinking.

"It is a plessure to meet you Rein," Zafi then said, being a gentleman. "And no, I just moved here recently but I think I already know my way around," he then smiled gently. "I am not very good with diarections but I have been outdoors long enough to discover most loactions," he then said. "And what about you? Do you live around here?"

Me:She clenched her glass of milk tightly and whispered almost inaudiable. "I will not fail you again Tobias, I promise you that." She feared what she would say next. She went to speak again but she froze for a moment. She did not know what to do. Or what to say. She feared speaking at this point. Knowing she was safe in he appartment she let her hair shade over her face for the first time. "You haven't seen Davis, have you?" She had to know. She wanted to protect him, and some times that ment from their brother too. She did not expect him to have seen him. She had not seen him since the incedent. he knew the question would bother him if he remembered him, but she could protect him better if she knew.

"Oh you heard that?" Jenn shook her head in embarrassment rather than blushing. She did not want to make things easy so she decided to beat around the bush and have some fun with this guy. This was her way of flirting, but most guys, unless they really were her type, never understood that. "You mean you did not meet Jessica? She was here a second ago." She chucked and sounded confident as she spoke. Jessica became angered, though they lived peacefully, they were like sisters. Jessica did not want to see Jenn happy with someone before she was. The hand on her icey side chenched its fist. This was Jessica fighting though, but Jenn would not let this new guy notice. "My name is Jenn, but I did not come here." She half smiled slyly. "Jessica brought me here, didn't you see her?" She waited for his responce wondering if he caught and understood her flirts and jokes, also curious if he caught on to her and Jessica being one in the same. She tried to make it clear that they were two seperate people so he would look around for Jessica, one of the games they would normally play when they were in agreement. "I have no reason for being here, but I am sure she does."

Rein smiled and her face lit up. "It is good to meet you too then!" She was always glad to meet a new face. "I have liver here for a long time. Never a dull moment." She stood on her board and made it stand still. "I know this town like the back of my hand. I am usually all over the place doing my shows." She was curious to know more about this guy, but she was dying to do something. "Um just, give me one second if you will." She said, trying to be polite. She then kicked off to a bump in the side walk. As her board stopped at the lifted sidewalk, she jumped from it. She then used her gift to bring the skate board as she flipped once to her hand. Once it reacher her hands, she threw it down. It looked like it should have went strait to the ground but rather it slid under her feet while she was in the air. She finally landed and pushed herself, riding the board back towards Zafri. The skateboard just seemed to stop in front of him. and Rein stepped off and her skateboard seemed to kick itself up and she stood it up holding it with her hand. "Hey if you need anything let me know, alright?" Her eyes smiled with her as she relaxed a bit after fillally getting to do a trick

Reply:Tobias was competley silent, almost dropping his glass but caught it on time, eyes slowly widining at the name. Why does he have that feeling? Like... you've forgotten something...really...really important.
"I Hate You."
"Why On Earth Are You Even Here?"
"You'd Be Better Off Dead!"
Tobias just kind of winced slightly and held his head with one hand, seeing nothing but grey images that flashed through his mind like lightining.
He could see nothing but a bright light, figures behind it, hearing screaming, crying and sirens. Footsteps. Loss. Tears. Blood. Heartbeat slowing down.
Tobias's eyes slowly opened, seeing he was staring down at the table, hands shaking, a thumping in his head that was going at the same pace of the heartbeat. Slow but powerful.
"I-I'm sorry..." he whispered, rubbing his temples. "I...don't...know...I'm sorry, so sorry..."

"No, I didn't see her," Riley answered as he looked around, not seeing anyone by. "Probably at school, yeah?" he then asked with a smile, seeing the cooler side of Jenn's fist tightining. Alright...
"I'm Riley," he then said with a slight smile as he kicked at the ground, moving out of the way of the growd of studants, surprisingly not shoving or cursing at them.

Zafi just watched Rein with her skateboard. He didn't like magic or stunts but he was rather amused here as he just smiled ever so slightly. "Of course. Thank you very much Rein," he smiled, greatful.

Me: "I am sorry." Catherine grabbed her brothers shaking rist. She did not know how much he would remember. "I am sorry I brought him up." He oviosly still did not remember her, but she did not know if he remembered anything else. "It is ok, I am here, relax." She wanted to calm him down and take care of him. "If you do not know then it is ok." She let go of his rist and stood up slowly. "Tobias. I will tell you everything eventually I promise, but maybe I can start by telling you one thing now." She could not beleive the words that left her mouth. Was now really a good time for this? She feared her next statement and feared Tobias' next question or statement. She did not know what to do and at this point the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, but would telling him this hurt him? She began to shake as well, if he knew she went though the same pain, would it hurt him. It was too late now, she offered, all he had to do was ask.

"No," She chuckled as she spoke. "Neither of us are in school any more." Her interest in Riley held Jenn in place at this point. She grabbed the fist Jessica made with her other hand to release it. Her hand on her iceier side fought to keep up the fist. "So what did you do to get yourself suspended?" Jessica still fought her way, but this got her no where. Not to mention it was Jessica's day and Jesica would fight until she got out, but as long as Jenn kept her mind occupied with Riley she could fight Jessica off easily. He had looked for Jessica, Perfect. This made thing more fun.

Rein smiled and blushed. "Well I guess I will see you around then." Her smile was wide and she was not sure what else to say. She was waiting for more people originally, but she wanted to talk to this guy more. Oh well she thought. She walked away and the cards came out of her back pocket and back to shuffling in front on her and she put her hands into her pockets. She looked back and smiled as her skateboard followed her. She leaned back up against a near by brick building. Her eyes closed and she smile persisted. The skate board leanted up along side of her on the building. Tha cards continued to shuffle. She hoped Zafi would come over to her, but right now she tried to just take what came. She looked up and the sun shone down on her, her eyes still closed. She then laughed a little as her head dropped to her cards as they shuffled though she did not open her eyes. She liked this guy Zafi. He seemed pretty cool to her.

Reply:Tobias held his head with his hands as he lowered his head, eyes slowly opining again as he glared down at the empty plate, the pupils in his eyes shrinking as he exhaled, muscles tensed, feeling his body go cold all of a sudden.
"W-What is it?" he then asked, head thumping as he slowy looked up at Cathrine, hands still in place as he watched her, paniced looking. "Please...tell me. Your scaring me...Cathrine..." he then said, the image of the burning flames flicking at his head at the same time. He was waiting on what she had to say. It was worrying him.

"Various reasons," Riley then sighed as he shook his head softly. "People can be so fragile," he then shrugged, disapointed with how easily people can get hurt. "I don't want to go into too much detail," he then said as he began to watch Jenn again

"Ah, alright," Zafi smiled as he watched Rein. "I figure I will see you around then," he smiled, book tucked under his arm as he watched her and her skateboard, amazed by her skills with and without her powers.

Catherine stopped shaking suddenly and looked as Tobias. Though she could not read his mind she could see the flames as well. She seemed stunned for a moment an he slowly took a step back remembering the pain that day. She could hear the fire crackle and the sceams of everyone that had been in the house. Her own voice calling for Tobias and Davis, trying to save them. She then shook her head and took Tobias' hand. "Don't be scared. It is not scarey, I promise." She tried to smile, but it was almost fake. "I know what you are thinking about." She said boldly, "I wish I didn't to be honest." She, unlike her brother remembered everything in detail. "I am sorry you had to suffer though this, but you did not lose everything. I think is is about time I told you who I really am." She held his hand gently and scared she shook slightly. She swallowed hard. "You know, my last name is also McLean, the doctors would not let me take you if it wasn't" She said it now, this was it. "I kn-now," She was choking on her words, she was scared to continue, he would know they were related now, now just to get out how close they were. "I know you don't remember me." Her eyes gently lined with water. "B-but w-we've both been though a lo- a lot. I am sorry I di-didn't tell you sooner. I wanted to take better care of you, since, well, mom and dad.." She choked, she could not say anymore. She had to force it out. "Mom and Dad were not the best, I had to take care of you and Davis." She now froze, she was speachless, she could bearly begin to understand why she said it this way, but it was out now.

"No need to say more. I understand." She waited for only about a second before her colder side let go of the fist. "There we go." She let go of her colder hand and colder hand jumped to grab the warm one. She though Jessica had stopped fighting but she was far from right. "Go if I could just keep Jessica away." She said this out loud, just loud enough for Riley to hear, she did not even realize she had said it out loud. Let me out! Jessica fought as much as she could. "Well, anyway, why stand and watch the school?"

Rein enjoyed the company. She looked back up at him and smiled. As she looked around she noticed the town ws quiet today. She sat down, sliding down the wall to the ground. What a shame, she thought to herself, I hope I see Zafi again sometime. She did not often see her customers after shows, but this guy was an interesting one. Zafi, hm. She looked up to the sky and closed her eyes again, feeling the heat gently coat her face. The cards continued to shuffle as the abnormally quiet town got quieter. "Hm, odd." Her smile faded. "Seems a bit to quiet today." Something was strange about today, and it was not a storm. Something strange in the air, it seemed to keep the normals and the gifted tucked away in their homes.

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Pet Trades

[15th Jun 2011 12:38 PM] [Reply] [Save] [Block] [Delete] [Forward]


ooc:// Sorry For The Wait. Thought I Replied But When I Checked, I Never. D;


Tobias froze completley as he slowly sat his glass down, his body like ice before he slowly turned to look at Cathrine, drowned in complete silence. The only sound was his movement as he slowly looked over at her, as he slowly took his elbows off of the table tops. He slowy zipped up his silver zip on his black, leather jacket before slowly getting up, faint looking. He then took his mobile off the table and then slipped it into his jacket pocket before turning back to look at 'his sister.'
"...Is this...some...sick joke?" Tobias then asked, voice sick sounding. Shaken and broken. "I...I-I don't think...I don't think I unders..tand..." he then said in a very quiet and sickly tone. His heart began to thunp against his fragile ribs, almost as if it where wanting to burst from his cold chest. He then rubbed at his temples again. "And I thought you where different," he then said in more of a disapointing voice. "How...could you? How could you say that too me? It' that how you get your kicks? From...twisting...turning peoples minds?" he then asked, suddenly tensing up, muscles beggining to show as he slowly clenched his hands into fists.

"Well," Riley then said as he paced up and down slightly. "I was just checking up to see what was going on, seeing I have nothing else to do," he then sighed, shaking his head. "What on earth am I going to do in my spare time?" he then asked in a saddened tone. He then stopped pacing as he then looked up at Jenn. "I'm sorry, I am rambling on too much," he then laughed as he then sat back down. "It's just going to be dull with everyone at school..."

Zafi began to watch Rein before turning on his heel before beggining to walk away from the fountain and bench. He tucked his book under his arm, flicking his hair to one side. Rein. She seemed...intresting. Clever. That was what he first saw in a person. He didn't really pay attention to people, but he was acctually intrested in what Rein did.

OOC: Your replys are worth the wait
Catherine looked Tobias in the eyes before her knees gave out and she fell to the floor. "Tobias..I.." She knew she had told him to soon at this point. She let her hair fall over her face for the second time in her entire life. She had wished he had been reading her mind at this point. She was scared at this point, she did not want to loose him. She knew once he left her care somethings would harm him and she would have no say. She could attempt to prove it, but as she thought about that she realized he would think she did her homework to figure eveything out. She also realized she had not choice. "Tobias, I am sorry, I would never joke with you like that." He gasped between phrases as tears ran from her eyes to her chin and rolled off to the floor. "Please Tobias," She did not look up at him. She was hurt by the fact that he was hurt by her. "I just wanted you to know the truth." She calmed herself down a bit so that she could be clear. "Read my mind, threaten me to be honest. I promise what I say will not change." Still shaking she knew she had to make him at least stay. "We can even get a DNA test done, if you need it. I don't even care if you believe me." She was now praying that he would let her continue taking care of him. "Just please." She waited only a second for a responce then interupted, "Let me continue to protect you and take care of you?"

"Perhaps if I can keep Jessica at bay, I could hang out for a while." She gave a half smirk as that was the most she could do. She looked back at the school and for an instant Jessica pulled though, but as she turned back to Riley Jenn pushed out her speach. "D-do y-you think you can h-handle that?" Her voice appeared to be in a struggle as she stood fighting off Jessica, hoping this Riley character would be willing to hold her down. If she could just get him to come with her, she could hold Jessica down for the time being. She knew she would end up in a mental cat fight later but she did not seem to care much. All she cared about was keeping self out while with this guy. She refussed to let Jessica mess this up for her. She made eye contact with Riley and hoped she could hold before up until Riley agreed.

"Heh, famous last words," Rein said under her breath. She put her hood up and looked to her right. She knew something was not right, but she could not tell what. as she got a good view down an alley way, she heard a gun shot. Her eyes grew wide as she pushed an on coming storm away from the town. She put her hood down and hopped on her skateboard, riding over to Zefi to warn him of what he must have clearly heard. She then stopped chasing him when she realized the person had been coming after her. She showed no fear, but took it as a challenge. She quickly skated into an alley that she knew lead out to the other side, now hoping Zefi would not follow. If she lacked association the shooter would have no reason to go after him. The shooter followed her as planned and she began to weave though trafic which would cause his shots to miss but he had yet to fire at her. She glance back every so often to see who else was there and if Zefi had noticed, in hopes that she would look back and have lost the shooter.

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[15th Jun 2011 02:08 PM] [Reply] [Save] [Block] [Delete] [Forward]


ooc:// Not Really. I Am Lacking Everything These Days. *Sob*


Tobias shook his head which was thumping as he looked back at Cathrine who was on the floor but that would not change anything. Even if it was true, it just pained him for her to keep this up that long. Why didn't she tell him? Days ago? Months ago? Years ago? When he was still young and highly vunrible, lying in that hospital bed, believing everything, anything to make him see sence again. If Cathrine was there years ago, telling him that she was secretly a ninja penguin under cover then he would believe her then. But not now. "Why?" Tobias then asked. "Why did you keep" he said, trailing off, unable to form a sentance to explain to her how he felt. He had millions of questions to ask her but he didn't know how to string it all together. "Why didn't you tell me ages ago?" he then almost cried, watching Cathrine shed tears. "I trusted you! And you sit here, with all of this in your mind? And you still manage to smile...even if you are close to tears?" he then asked as he shifted closer to the door, his hand tightining around the handdle. "After all of these years...they have been wasted," he then said, broken sounding. "DNA test...?" he then asked. "To be honest... I don't want to know..." he then said as he swung the door open before leaving the room. Heartbroken.

Riley watched Jenn carefully, listining to her stutter on her words as if she where shivering with cold. But he just ignored it, not going to ask in case it was personal. "...If you want too, I don't mind, I'm not doing anything," Riley then smiled darkly. "We can 'hang' out," he then said as he got off the bench once more as he then watched people entering the school still before looking back at Jenn.

Zafi froze all of a sudden, hairs at the back of his neck beggining to stick up, his body tense with the sudden sound of a gun. He remained tense looking until he turned back around, seeing Rein on her skateboard, followed by someone else. What was going on?
"Rein?" he then asked, concerned as he watched her trying to get away, the book still under his arm. A gunshot? He didn't know if this was normal around here, but it didn't seem too good as it seemed as if they where after Rein. What did she do wrong? "What's going on?" he then asked, his usual calm eyes shocked looking, the peicing blue like icy daggers as he wanted for something else to happen, his voice not raised but stern.

"I-I didn't want to hurt you." She looked up to discover she had been talking to the wall. This ate at her from the inside. She could not take it anymore. She hurt him too much and refused to hurt him more. She gave him some time to make distace but now her mind could not get passed the need to protect him. She feared for him now more than ever and her mind would not let her think of anything else. Must protect him, Her mind was too focused on those words. She turned herself into her pather form as she opened the door to the house. She shut the door with her tail and begain to run after Tobias.
She kept herself generally hidden in shrubs and trees so that she could keep an eye on him and he would not run from her. She needed to protect him, no quesions asked. She refused to let him slip out of her grip, she would not let anyone hurt him, she would not hurt him, she needed to protect him. These words constantly rang in her head.

Jenn half smirked again and it turned into a half smile. The smile had almost an evil look to it, but most people would not be able to tell as it only appeared as a half on the firey side of her face. "Well then, lets see what you can do. Do you enjoy risks? Getting in trouble?" She asked as though she did not know the answer but she had an idea of how the answer may turn out. "Because if you are going to mess with fire, if your not prepared you will be burned." Her half smile was even more so sinister now but still har to tell for the same reason.
Jessica did not stop fighting however the fighting became harder. Let me out, let me out, let me out! She would cry and peared out the icey eye to maintain at least some control. At this point Jenn would have to scare her away, and Jenn had plenty of ways to do that. Something as simple as a little gore would push her back. Jenn waiting for Rileys responce as the fight for who gets to come out be came a struggle for control. Because of this, Jenn began to think of ways to have complete control over Jessica and Riley.

Rein looked back hearing Zefi's voice. When she had saw Zefi she shook her head in disbelief. Not smart, she thought to herself. "Good question," She tried to distact the shooter as she kicked up her skate board and looked back at the guy. "What is going on here." Rein Began to fear, not for her life but rather for the fact that the shooter may have seen Zefi.
"Is this your friend?" She shooter asked. Rein looked over at Zefi then back at the shooter. She began to think of all of the things she could do it the shooter attepted to fire at Zefi. Redirecting the bullet, moving the gun. "Never seen him in my life." Hoping Zefi would play along she looked back at him than up at the shooter again.
The shooter chuckled "Oh so you wouldn't mind if I did this." He was not a total brute but he did appear rather strong. He faced to turn Zefi. "You talk about him like you don't know him, and I bet he's your boyfriend. How does he feel about this?" Not giving Zafi a second to respond Rein interupts. "I do not know him, I have never met him." She said calmly. The shooter just smirked. "Well then, Rein, is it? Lets see how you handle this!" As he finished his statement he fired the gun. Rein could not think quicky enough at this point. She redirected the bullet not realizing that she had pulled the bullet towards her to do so. The bullet hit her in a rather fatal looking spot in her ribs. She fell to the ground unconcious from the unbearable pain and continous blood loss. Her eyes remained open but she was completely unresposive at this point.
The shooter did not care, he looked at Rein and smiled siniserly. "Odd, no matter." The original shot was fired with no time to think, this time he turned to Zafi and cocked the gun, pointing it at him. "Your next." He actually waited a second this time almost as though waiting for him to comment in return.

Tobias continued to walk, his vision blurred with the tears that lingered behind his eyes. How could she? Keep something so strong from him? She was lying. Yes. Yes. She was lying. She didn't know him truley. This was all a lie to get into his head. His walking began to slow down as he held his head with one hand, no longer walking in a straight line. When he lowered his hand from his head, a single tear falling from his crystal blue eye. He was oblivious to the fact that he was being followed. He slowly entered the park, feeling rather ill. He looked twice as pale as always. Which was worrying. He slowly sat down on the park bench, looking shaken as he tried to relax himself. Yes. Fresh air. That was all he needed. Yes. His head was spinning. Cathrine... her name didn't ring a bell. The last time he heard it was when he was in hospital... when she..helped him. She helped him. Was he too harsh on her? No. She was a lyer... wasn't she?

Riley watched Jenn.
He was silent as he slowly walked back over to the bench, footsteps very hollow sounding as he then stopped in front of a black object and picked it up. He put on the long, black trench coat but didn't button it up as he then popped up the collar, hesitating as he then let out a breath before looking over at Jenn. "Hmm... anything..." he then said in a dark voice as he then turned around, cloak making a large swooshing sound as he did so as it fanned out behind him. "Anything that does stir up trouble... and I am always prepared... but are you?" he then asked, as his finger traced the scar that ran down his left eye, perfectly sculpted liis twisting into a smirk. "Have you asked yourself that very question?" he asked.

Zafi leaped back slightly, his position lowering into more of a defensive stance, his muscles tightining. He took a few steps closer to Rein, lowering his gloved hand to touch her arm gently, his aqua coloured eye glaring at the shooter. "Who... are you?" he then whispered as he then straightened up. "What do you want?" he then snapped at him. He was next? Is that so. Zafi snapped his fingers, a red and black twisting mist appeared before a black book fell into his arms, the book opining it'self. He kept close to Rein as he then stepped in front of her. She saved him. She saved his life. He owed her his.

Catherine kept herself hidden but stopped where he had and watch him carefully. Maybe it would have been better never to tell him. Her mind began to trail to thoughts that may have stopped the problem. If she had told him sooner how would she know that he would not have done exactly what he did now? How would she know how he would react? She though he needed time, but that did not seem to help with this news. She listened carefully to anything he may have said outloud, and listened to everything surrounding them carefully, so that she would hear danger coming. Her eyes peared around every courner she could see from her standpoint, yet she never let her eyes stray from Tobias. She made sure not to be seen. She would not hurt him anymore. She also did not want him to think she had been spying on him, because that was not her intent. She had only been trying to protect him, but in such a fragile state he may have believed otherwise. So She prowled among the grass and watched, hoping that he would come back to stay with her.

"I ask myself that everyday, I hold danger like it were nothing," She almost sounded as though she had been boasting. "Dear Riley, lets not be silly, you miss the point." at this point she pulls a knife out of her back pocket. "We would not want to end up hurt now would we?" She then sliced her rist, in hopes the blood would make Jessica squirm. "Don't underestimate me." She siniser half smile persisted, but it not being noticable was not a bad thing. It gave her an edge because those looking at her might think she was attempting to be kind or was just insane, but no one would ever guess evil. "Well then, shall we?" She created two snakes made completely of fire as she over came Jessica. One she rapped around the cold arm that she had cut. The other she rapped around Riley's neck. This was her idea of a flirt that made her look almost contolling. The fire snakes would not burn the arm or Riley unless she had upped the heat. She wondered if Riley would understand her flirts and waiting for him to respond. Her flame colored eye almost appeared engulfed in flames. Her eyes began to probe him as her interest grew greater.

The shooter looked around and becan to fire aimlessly, hoping to hit Zafi in this mist but missing every shot. He search though the mist as well as he could. "I want her dead! And if you're with her you ought to go two!" (Not entirly clear on your reply so let me know if I skip something). The shooter then began to run in hopes to run away o that he could come back at another time to finish her off or at least see if he had killed her in one shot. His smile grew sinister as he went to prepare onother attack.
Rein was still motionless at this point. The only noticable vital sign was her heart faintly beating. The amount of blood lost surrounder her. Her body had become cold as though dead but she was in fact alive. Where the bullet had hit her, if done properly should have pierced her left lung and her heart causing death. Though her body had not even been breathing at this point, the heart still pumped her blood. She almost felt like her spirit looking down at her body begging it to wake up, but her body was motionless, so close to death.

Tobias remained on the bench. He watched people running by and walking their dogs. There where children in the play park, clinging onto colourful monkey bars, sliding freely down slides and feeling their hair rustle through the breeze as they swung on the swings. They looked so happy. Their parents where by the gates, smiling and mingling with other mothers and fathers, with their prams and bags with them. Tobias continued to watch them, still oblivious to the fact that he was being watched by Catherine. How could she? Why now? He didn't know what to think. Maybe if he found Davis. But where was he? He would remember surley. Davis had full memory of their childhood. He would know that Catherine was a McLean. But Davis didn't live within these parts. How could he live on with that memory eating up at him? Now that Tobias had the importart parts peiced together, he wanted to run and keep on running until he got to the end of the world. He knew that sounded stupid, but it was true. He kept his eyes on the children that ran around widley without a care in the world. Nothing to worry about. Tobias felt sick. Nervous. Should he appologize? But what if Catherine was lying if he did so?

Riley watched the blood running down her wrist, not at all put of. He found it rather pointless? Slitting your wrist just to proove a point? May he ask why? But she was trying to proove a point. Riley didn't need to try. Actions speak louder than words. He then saw her cerate the fire snakes, still not put off. This place was full of gifted anyway but he was surprised to see one be put around his neck. He growled slightly. "You rebel," he then said in a cold and sarcastic tone. "Slitting your wrists for no reason what so ever and decortating me with snakes. I am not a Christmas tree dumbass..." he then snarled, not moving but then he saw what she was trying to do. It clicked. He smiled coldly, hands in his coats pockets as he then walked casually up to her. "We shall," he then said gently into her ear, hesitating for a moment before walking on, coat out behind him as it moved to the slight breeze, Riley getting the hint.

"I see..." Zafi then said slightly, eyes narrowing into slits as he then watched the shooter run away. Retreating. "Well that was a waste of prepeation," Zafi then grumbled in a low and sinister manner as he snapped his fingers again, book vanishing as he did so before he looked down at Rein, eyes sofining slightly. He slowly knelt down next to her. She had a slight and weak pulse. He slowly took her in his arms and looked down at her face. She took a bullet for him and they bareley knew each other....what a herotic thing to do....and brave.

Cathrine crouched low as she watched Tobias for only a moment longer. She could not bare seeing him, remembering the pain she had caused him. She wanted to speak to him more but she became hurt by how she knew he felt. She then began to prowl back towards the house, now noticing the grass dispersing beneath her paws. Her eyes swollen and gleaming in sun light. She then took a deep breath and looked back for only a moment. She then turned to walk letting go of her breath and no longer prowling as she had been far enough away though still hiding in the bushes until she approached the house. She then laid down on the step out side the door as cat would waiting for the master to open the door. She watched carefully until she had become exhasted and fell asleep. Her mind began to fill with dreams of her past, leading to today and Tobias hating her, forcing her away. "Tobias I'm sorry, no please." This she said in her dream and out loud, but quietly. She dept of him not believing her and wanting to kill her. No matter how hard she tried she couls not believe it was only a dream. Tears fell from her eyes in her sleep and eventually came to a stop as her body grew even more tired and more weak.

Jenn smirked and chuckled. "You understand little my friend, but don't worry, all answers will come in due time. For now you know enough." She began to walk with him assuming he had understood it was a position of control and the flirts she threw in. Jessica was no longer puttiing up a fight and Jenn was satisfied. The heat on the wound kept it bleading ever so slightly. The blood would drip into the flame and would be recirculated into the blood stream by the snake, though this would only work properly if Jenn had control. Jessica was no longer pearing though the icey eye as she feared Jenn might kill the two of them if she fought her now. Jenn had become serious about the situation. She was no longer fighting Jessica like a sister. It was her game now, her guy her life, her game. She was not going to loose.

Rein could feel her own heart beating though unconsious. To her it felt as though her heart had been pounding out of her chest though it were still faint to anyone who checked. She could not tell her surrounding yet she still felt like the spirit looking down at its own body. She felt almost in another relm of being, she could not see and could barely feel. But some how saw her body in the distance in a pitch black room. On the line of life and death? Maybe. Maybe not. But she would never know, she felt something touch her. Assuming it was the shooter she looked away from her body in anger and in fear, no knowing what had truely been happening. I have to wake up, I have to. She struggled but no luck. Her body was lifeless outside of her heart but she was not about to give up. Zafi. Was he shot, wait, no! She could not stand the though. Though struggling for conciousness only her hear could remember to beat.

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Pet Trades

[28th Jun 2011 09:55 AM] [Reply] [Save] [Block] [Delete] [Forward]


Tobias remained sat on the bench before slowly getting up, seeing that two small girls where running over to him and he wanted to get away but it was too late. The two blonde girls looked like twins and they had deep blue eyes. The only difference between them both was their clothes, one wearing a pink summers dress, the other wearing a light blue one. The one with the pink dress wore pink converse and the one with the blue dress wore black boots that came to her knees. Tobias began to walk away but the one with the pink dress pulled on his sleeve, causing him to stop. He slowly turned around and looked down at the both, looking rather shy but gentle, the two girls smiling. They had a white ball with different colour spots on them as they flashed a smile at Tobias.
"Hi Mister," the pink dressed girl yipped. "Would you like to play football with us three?" she then asked, Tobias looking at the two girls.
"...Three?" he then asked in a soft and gentle voice. "There... there is only two o-"
"Our brother is over there," the blue dressed girl spoke as she pointed over to a blonde haired boy who sat under the football nets.
"Oh... I see..." Tobias then sighed.
"Well?" the pink dressed girl asked.
"I don't think this is my kind of thing," Tobias then said quietly.
"Please?" the other then asked. "Just five minutes?"

Riley rolled his eyes and continued to walk, not sure on where he was going, but he was fine with it. Maybe something would catch their eyes. He didn't know what Jenn was talking about and didn't really care anyway. That did seem rude, but that was just him. He continued to walk, seeing Tobias and the group of children who where leading him astray. "What where you doing before this conversation?" he then asked as he fixed his eyes apon the group of Children and Tobias.

Zafi looked around, still having Rein in his arms. Hospital. Was that a good idea? Where they aware of Gifted in this town? If Rein was doing entertainment including her powers, then humans may be aware. But was it worth the risk? He continued to walk around, not sure on where the hospital was. If all else failed, he would have to take care of her himself.

More RP Characters
13 years, 3 months & 24 days ago
8th Jun 2011 18:53

Name: Catherine McLean

Age: Twenty one years Of Age

Gender: Female

Species: Gifted

Power One: Shapeshift-Panther

Power Two: All Seeing eye (Can see everything about a person, including identifying peoples strengths, weaknesses and learned to be able to see peoples attacts before they happen.)

Apperance: Catherine is slender like her brother Tobias though she was not as pale. Her skin is pale but with an almost black like tint which gives her a dark purple or a black glow about her. Most people find it strange but to her it was natural. People almost mistook this glow as something, such as a mold of some sort under her skin or some type of radioactive mutation. These ideas could not be farther from the truth. This glow is actually cause by the fur color of her shapesift gift. She never knew why but she knew that was what caused it. Her eyes are an abnormal catlike yellow green. Her pupils also strangely resembled a cat. They stretched like cat eyes from the top of her eye to the bottom and the whites of her eyes do not so show. (basically it appears as though she has a cats eyes, not human orry if that was confusing). This unfortunately gave her stair an icey look. Though her eyes where cold as though she were stalking prey, her body temperture was naturally warmer than the average human which was often mistaken for a fever. She always wore a black shirt and black jeans to hide her glow. Her shirts where normally long sleeved except durring the summer. Her fur color as a panther is actually a dark purple but appears jet back like her hair. Her hair falls smoothly like her fur. It falls strait and just below her shoulders. She keeps her hair out of her face and refuses to ever get bangs.

Personality: Catherine is a very gentel person. Her eyes cold stair gives off only a some what false impression. She uses this stair to keep away preditors and any form of harm from her younger brother. She had always cared about her two brothers and always despised her parents arguments. She knew what her parents would cause and she hated to see her brothers being hurt. Her parents angered her so she did not mention them much around Tobias. She also kept her last name from him when he had finally waken up from his coma to avoid hurting him further. She was happy when he awoke and immediately begged the doctors to take him home. She knew exactly what to do and would protect him with her life. She cared more for Tobias than anything. Davis did not frighten her but rather she had lost him in the process of her worry after her parents had been lost. She is very protective and for that reason she was able to advance one of her gifts. She now could not only see a person and know everything about them but she could also see their fighting style and identify their attacts early to protect herself and her little brother. She would not lose him, she refused. Her heart was pure and she did anything she could for family and for her friends. For her family she would put her life on the line, if it costed her life she would concider it a failure. If sh could not protect someone she feels as though she had failed them regardless of the case.

Other: Catherine believes she had failed Tobias when her parents had died. Though she could not have saved them she knew that Tobias was hurt. She hated seeing him in pain. Unforunately she knew more than he did but she did not want to hurt him. She now wishes she had told him sooner and is now waiting for the right moment to tell him that she is his sister.

Song: Hero of War by Rise Against

Name: Jessica Fall

Age: Eighteen Of Age

Gender: Female

Species: Gifted

Power One: Fire

Power Two: Ice

Apperance: Jessica is known as on of the strangest person known to man. She eyes, for starters are not even the same color. One of her eyes is an ice cold blue and the other if amber like a fire. Some people even say you can see frost in her icey blue eye and flames in her amber iris. She always wore her hair down. On the side of her icey blue eye her hair is white as snow. On the other side her hair is a deep dark red that looks almost black. The colors meet at the very center of her head when her hair is parted down the center. Her hair falls to her hips, the black side was pin strait, while the white was slightly curled and oddly enough it fell this way naturally. These colors of her eyes and hair may seem unrealistic but is actually completely natural. Jessica's expression was never a full of expression though her speach appeared normal and with the expected emotion. Her body oddly enough also follows an odd trait. Her amber eye side has an abnormally high body temperature that practically radiats from her. On her icey blue eye side her body temperature is colder than dry ice. To the touch someone might mistake heras dead on one side and on the other strangley feverish. Though when feeling her forehead, because the two temperatures collide they balance and feel almost completely normal.

Personality: Jessica is completely bipolar. One side of her is calm cool and collected. This side is completely relaxed and an icey dare devil. She takes on any challenge and though appears sharp and cold hearted she is kind and respectful. She is generous and a pleasure to be around if you can get past her icey appearence.

On the other hand Jessica also goes by the name of Jenn, not Jennifer, just Jenn. Her glare burns and she stings with nothing but heat. She beems with anger and hatred towards everyone except for the person Jenn likes. Jenn does not even show anything but hate towards Jessicas love. Though not a full second personality she may as well be. Jessica and Jenn however live in piece and harmoniously and give each other plenty of time to use the body. Though this is true they do fight for power when the people they love are involved.

Other: Past is a Mystery, neither of them ever had the guts to discuss it. They found it more fun that way. They also enjoy messing with peoples heads being as different as yin and yang. (sorry the personality is short, it is rather hard to explain let me know if it confuses you)

Song: Monster By Skillet

Name: Rein Mitarashi

Age: Nineteen years Of Age

Gender: Female

Species: Gifted

Power One: Telekinesis

Power Two: Storms

Apperance: Kiara always wears a trench coat. The coat is either black or pink depending on the weather. She wore the black on stormy cold days and clears up the storm right abover her head dispersing the clouds above her. She wears pink when the sun come out incase she decides to creat a storm. If you are lucky enough to catch her without her coat, which suprizingly is not as hard as it sounds, she wears a tanktop which shows off a tatoo on her shoulder. She has a skull tatooed on her right shoulder and guns crossed below it. This image is surrounded by black roses. Written in small letters curled around this image is "Live Life Like You Where Dying" her second most famous sayng. Her hair is short and always tied back. It is an almost red like brunette color. with natual chestnut highlights. Her eyes are a dark blue, so dark that they almost appear night black. She is always using her skateboard for travel. She does not like driving as much, infact she finds driving too safe.

Personality: She is completely care free and fun loving. She loves to mess with peoples heads and is known as the town magician. She uses her telekinesis to put on a show for friends and family and for the town to make some quick cash. Durring these shows she would take off her coat to show she had nothing to hide. Also she always ends her stunts with her phrase Live Life Like You Were Dying!" She is always pulling crazy stunts and half the time does not bother to break her fall. She hates to do things the safe way and is your average bad girl. She risks her life in almost everything she does. She is always friendly but does not take kindly to those who are dishonest and those who can beat her in a fight. She loves to feel physical pain or at least it appears that way to some people.

Other: Most Famous Phrase: "I feel a storm coming, and it doesn't like you."

Song: Caught In The Rain by October Fall

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