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If you are waiting for a reply from me please see my info to see how soon to bug me xD Couldn't bear to take down my little profile I've had for years but its getting out dated.I still give kudos to anyone who reads my info. Im over 30 now and have 3 wonderful children who often keep me busy. I'm not always on, though i log on frequently, but when I am I always try to reply quickly, however, sometimes my kids will pull me away after I read a mail and I may not be able to reply right away because of it. If I dont answer after reading it within 24 hours feel free to mail again. If I did not read please consider that I may not have gotten on and give me a little more time or if you could let me know if you find what you're looking for so I can reply accordingly. If you offer on my lot or mm an offer, if I am on/read the mail and dont answer, it is not a no, I am concidering or busy, please be patient and dont withdraw. Thank you

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    6 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    10 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
Lastest Creations (Flopseys and owners)
12 years, 11 months & 20 days ago
12th Oct 2011 15:14

People Own These, Steal and I will report








If you are one who still owes me I will wait until you get on, if you are on within a week and still do not pay I will report you and may resell your Flopsey considering it was never actually purchased (This includes Customs).

Thank you GJammy, A roleplay example I absolutely
12 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
12th Oct 2011 07:08

love. This was amazing thank you for letting me use it <3

Heavy black boots hit the concrete floor with loud thumps, echoing throughout the silent air of the warehouse. Her steps were quick, and the other members dropped to silence as they watched her push through the door and into the gang's 'workplace'. She didn't look at anyone as she halted at the wooden door at the back of the warehouse. It took a few seconds before the door was finally opened by a tall, bulked bodyguard who stood at to the side, who of which then closed the door again as the female had passed through.

There was a large oak desk in the center of a dimly lit room. The room was kept alot nicer than the rest of the warehouse, and seemed like the office of a mansion. Although similar, it was instead the office of the gang leader. Mr.Valentino, as he preffered to be addressed as, or just sir, leant forwards over his desk to stare. As a former member of the international mafia, this old man had a strong Italian accent.
"Ah, Eva, you bring the news?" the corners of his mouth curved upwards into a crooked grin.

"It is done. The body was frozen, but through a chipping machine and then burnt. We hired a maid to clean any extra evidence at the scene, unknowingly, of course. We burnt his clothes and belongings also, and flushed them." The female, Eva, made her voice quiet but clear.
The man leant back again and let out a croaky laugh. Only when Eva cleared her throat did he return to his formal posture.
"Ah, and your reward." he said, and as if a silent signal, a bundle of money was tossed onto the table. The woman took it , and flicked through the thin sheets of paper, before nodding, and backing out the door which was closed behind her. Although she had been there since she was fifteen, and was indeed the co-leader, she had never dared turn her back on that man.

Eva was not a typical gang member. For starters, she was a female, which lead to her being looked down on by many and taken advantage of by all. Although she was taunted because of her small height of 5"4 and her gender, the Qairs (Pronounced Kez, a rather simple but known name) had always respected what she did. Although, a sudden shout of a greeting made her eyelid twitch a little.

Now that the silence was broken by someone, it was like a walk of shame as made her way back to the door. They liked to joke, and there was nothing she could do about it. All she could do was simply label them as cheeky -blocked-s.

Her blonde hair was a natural almost white colour, as of it were bleached, and was cut short at the back of her neck but was longer at her chin. It was spiked a little at the back, and her bangs were pulled over the side so they skimmed over her left eye. Her eyes were a dark, mossy green which were quite luminant in the light. She was quite pretty, with an unruined, pale face and high cheekbones. She had a thin line of eyeliner beneath each eye, but nothing else. The twenty-one year old looked after herself and had therefore never smoked and hardly drank, allowing her to keep a smooth face, apart from the small black mole she had just below the outer corner of her left eye. Her eyebrows were slightly darker than her hair, and thin, making her features sharper.

Eva was almost always in tank tops. This time, it was a slim, white one, which she wore with a pair of baggy black cargos with multiple pockets at the sides, one of which the bundle now resided. And of course, those heavy black boots with the buckles that jingled as she walked. Around her neck, hung a dog tag with her full name engraved onto the silver:
Evalia Rutania

This woman was not interested in any form or serious relationship. Atleast not yet. She spent most of her days controlling a bunch of men who think they own the place and didn't feel like having one to come home to everyday. The only occasion where she did allow someone to get close, was to beckon them in to some kind of trap, to either release a secret or get them killed. In the last case, an annoying gang from not far away had been causing some trouble, so she more or less disposed of the hitman they had doing all the dirty work.

As she walked back towards the entrance of the warehouse, she finally took a quick glance at what the others were doing.

Most were gambolling. Playing with their wages in games of poker and blackjack. Most of them cheated, though, which aroused a large quantity of fights. Some were merely smoking joints they had recieved from local dealers, or drinking patially concentated and passing out within five minutes. The more organised were repairing, stocking up on, and testing weaponary. Devising plans. Some of these were the hitman of the Qairs. Search and destroy was their purpose. The rest were just ignorant -blocked-s who had grown up in a rough background and ended up in the life of smuggling goodies and killing people for the fun of it, and of course the money, which came from rich man Valentino.

Eva had been called a player, a teaser, and a fake . Simply because she would mess around with the mind of any man who approached her, and then casually brush them off with a number of simple excuses (For example, 'I'm not interested anymore' was the most annoying.). She never really intends on being approached. It just sort of happens, and she likes to play around a little bit. She wasn't sexist, she was just a little bit of a feminist at times, wondering why most, if not all, of the gangs seemed to dislike the fact of having a woman in the working; perhaps they thought they wouldn't distract the men. If the men in the Qairs were distracted - they were quickly brought back to realism with a kick below the groin. Or the shin, if she was feeling lazy.

A drink, perhaps. The bar was a good option to forget about the sin she had committed today. As she walked down the street, she could already hear the drunken folk wobble their way around the street outside of the bar. She sighed, stepping her way around one or two before pushing her way through the door. The loud music immediately hit her ears and made er cringe for a breif moment. She sat down on a barstool, leaning on her elbow and waiting to be served.

A shot of rum. She rarely drunk anythig except rum and wine. After gulping that one down, Eva swirled a glass of white wine, which tasted bitter with the hint of rum at the back of her Tongue. As thoughts seemed to flutter around her dimming mind, she suddenly remembered her twenty second birthday next month. Mind, all you got for your birthday in her gang was a punch in the arm from everyone. Maybe she'd treat herself to the bar again.

Roleplay Plot-Not mine, just a really good one
12 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
9th Oct 2011 06:16

Its not mine but I love the idea and I dont want to lose it so please be understanding. I found it on a forum by Gezzygezzy and she gave credit to a site, I will post that credit here as well. I would have joined the forum but I have trouble keeping up with forums and would really like to use this as a one on one or a small advanced group if possible. This was posted in intermediate, but I believe it is well developed and will make for a great roleplay

I give most of the credit of this plot to NasiaWords. It is from a different website and wanted to bring it to this one.

The Fallen were a league of angels God sent down to mate with humans as an experiment, to see what resulted. The Fallen each traveled until they found a human suitable enough to mate with and once they mated, they went back up to heaven to watch over their children. The children grew to be stronger, faster and more intelligent than other human children. But they didn???t know about their lineage, that they were half-angel. The children themselves haven???t met their other parent or any of the other children. But the mothers talked and decided that they would tell all their children, on their 16th birthday, what they really were.

But the mothers aren???t the only ones that know about their children???s abilities. The devil himself had long waited to capture and harvest the energy of the kid for evil. And now they know about what they are, he is going to stop at nothing to have them. He has sent out a few of his best minions disguised as teens their age to either force or trick them into his grasp. The government also found out about the children and want to do what the government always does. Cut them open and see how they work. Now with the devil and the government after them, they must band together and escape.

The children have the ability to be faster, swifter, smarter, and stronger. They also have different abilities, depending on the child. Some can control the elements and others can read minds. They also are taller for their age and skinny. They have the ability to grow wings but have to learn, that???s why they never grew them before. There are only 6 of the kids. They figured out about there true history about two or three months ago. They take on their parents title as the Last Fallen.

The Kids (The Last Fallen)

Character Skeleton
Powers: (If you are a Fallen)

Got plenty of blogs, may as well use it for more..
13 years & 17 days ago
15th Sep 2011 18:31

rp characters lol

Name: Krystal Sherwood

Age: Seventeen Years Of Age

Gender: Female

Species: Gifted

Power One: Assassin skills

Power Two: invisibility

Apperance: Krystal does not often show her face and therefore is never is never identified by her looks. No man (or woman) has seen her actual face and lived. Her hood always hangs around her eyes and in the center it appears to drop lower by her nose allowing her to see her apponent but never allowing her apponent to see her. The cloak that hangs from her hood draws down to the floor, completely black with and ornate border running down the boarder of the possible openings. Always whereing such a cloak no one sees what she wheres underneath. Her face, if ever seen is pale and almost ghost like. Her eyes grey, nearing a blackish color. Her nose is small and elegant and her mouth is sly and munipulative. She is never found without her cloak, though under it she wears a small but loose tee shirt and loose pants allowing her to move quickly and silently. Often Krystal wears soft leather boots that resemble sneakers also allowing her to move easier along the ground. When atteding activities such as school, or going out with friends (also who have yet to see her face-has very little friends) she wears a cap under her hood so that she can see out better.

Personality: Krystal answers to no one. She is very munipilative but not easily minipulated. She trusts no one and is not easily discouraged. Krystal takes commands from no one and only goes after people for her own purposes. She does not easily trust people and though most people would never be able to tell she is very trust worthy. She will be loyal as long as the people she is loyal to sprove their trust and loyalty in return. If it were to appear that a "loyal" friend were not as loyal she would not hesitate to kill. She is averagely lonely due to her state of mind and her actions. Krystal also is rarely classified as a gifted due to the fact that most assassins train in all that she can do, including the art of disappearing. Many people do not realize that these arts are lost and because of that oviously makes her a gifted with such talents. Though many people have learned this of her personallity, she tends to hide most of her true emotions and feeling. Her past is very mystirious and possibly very dangerous to speak to her about as it is a sensative topic to her. Few people know about her past, infact she is the last to know, she tells no one and expects no one to ask. She lives alone in a small building and normally will not just come out with out a job needing to be finished. Her reasons for killing, also unknown but that wont stop her.

Other: Usually wears a cloak with nothing on the edges when not doing a job. This other cloak also has a few tears on the back that look like a beast attepted to shead it in one swipe, which she backed up with a bright royal blue cloth. If she ever leaves her house out side of for an assassination she would wear this to avoid recognition.

Song: Clint Eastwood By Gorillaz, What I've Done By Lincoln Park (my appolagies, hard to find a song that fits)

Name: Rien Mitarashi

Age: Nineteen years Of Age

Gender: Female

Species: Gifted

Power One: Telekinesis

Power Two: Storms

Apperance: Rien always wears a trench coat. The coat is either black or pink depending on the weather. She wore the black on stormy cold days and clears up the storm right abover her head dispersing the clouds above her. She wears pink when the sun come out incase she decides to creat a storm. If you are lucky enough to catch her without her coat, which suprizingly is not as hard as it sounds, she wears a tanktop which shows off a tatoo on her shoulder. She has a skull tatooed on her right shoulder and guns crossed below it. This image is surrounded by black roses. Written in small letters curled around this image is "Live Life Like You Where Dying." Her hair is short and always tied back. It is an almost red like brunette color with natual chestnut highlights. Her eyes are a dark blue, so dark that they almost appear night black. She is always using her skateboard for travel. She does not like driving as much, infact she finds driving too safe. Her board is black and on the bottom there is an emblem of a skull, appearing almost goofy
Which is very similar to the skull tatooed on her arm.

Personality: She is completely care free and fun loving. She loves to mess with peoples heads and is known as the town magician. She uses her telekinesis to put on a show for friends and family and for the town to make some quick cash. Durring these shows she would take off her coat to show she had nothing to hide. She is always pulling crazy stunts and half the time does not bother to break her fall. She hates to do things the safe way and is your average tomboy. She risks her life in almost everything she does. She is always friendly but does not take kindly to those who are dishonest and those who can beat her in a fight. She loves to feel physical pain or at least it appears that way to some people. She appears to be absolutely insane but actually harms herself less than she appears to. She is not easily influenced but is more trusting than some. She is strick when she needs to be but is always willing to help and generally friendly.

Other: N/A

Song: Caught In The Rain by October Fall

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    6 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    10 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 5 months & 12 days ago