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Skyrim character overview

Lysis is a Wood Elf Thief with Dark red hair that she wears in a side ponytail and brown eyes. She primarily uses a bow and arrow but will duel wield daggers on heists. She is loyal to her companions and values that quality above anything else. Her horse is a beautiful dapple grey speckled horse named Evermore. Her dog Vigilance has followed her across Nirn and back and they have been through everything together.
Lysis the Tornado Fasoro
6 years & 11 days OldBorn 20th Jun 2018 00:04

4 Years 5 Months Old
4 Years 5 Months Old
4 Years 5 Months Old
1 Year 9 Months Old
Level 2 Veterinarian earning MP135MP a day

Job Promotion earning MP185MP a day
Strength 7  Defence 3  Speed 3  Charisma 3  Language 3  Geography 3  Maths 5  Science 10  Sports 2  Books 6