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01:54:42 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
just tryna have a good time


stay humble
sits down
eat crumble furn_chair_triangle.giffurn_chair_sun.gif

to do list
- finish transmog temple with oza --> crikey(+ rainy costume)
- costume stryga and oza in rainy costume
- todaku - rusty maker (+ minipet costume)
- faire - straya maker (thank you @De!) (+ spring costume)
- saxten - kujo maker (thank you @Davik!) (+ panda costume)
- vaysha - chibs maker (+ anime costume)
- yute - bug costume
- yuiyu - wallop maker + swamp costume + case certificate

pet order:

valentine strya - spring straya - rainy crikey - spring lati
panda kujo - rainy gizmo - minipet rusty - anime chibs
bug feliz - swamp wallop
Oza the Rainy Crikey
15 years, 9 months & 17 days OldBorn 14th May 2009 12:41

Alien Fatty
4 Years 9 Months Old
1 Year 4 Months Old
Level 5 Entrepreneur earning 250MP a day

Job Promotion earning 325MP a day
Charisma 7  Language 8  History 8  Geography 8  Maths 8  Books 30  Humanities 1  Business Studies 2