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14:02:07 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly

Sometimes I have issues with being social and I struggle with maintaining/joining conversations.
I'm sorry if this affects you in anyway, it is not my intention and I'm currently receiving/awaiting medical help - a long and arduous journey!

Please take care of your mental health 🖤

What the Chibi Rofling
17 years, 8 months & 19 days OldBorn 10th Oct 2006 12:16

Level 11 Police Officer earning MP1,750MP a day

Job Promotion earning MP3,000MP a day
Level 35  Strength 50  Defence 90  Speed 60  Health 60  Charisma 20  Language 20  History 16  Sports 35  Books 42  Stamina 45  Sociology 15  Law 20