Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Job: Spy
Nature: Serious, Brave, Chivalrous
Fav. Faerie: Dark
Fav. Goal Giver: Slater Park
Fav. Mission Giver: The Rusty Twins
Fav. Quest Giver: Slater Stalker
Miscellaneous: + Very approachable. Maybe TOO approachable
+ Loves scrapbooking
+ Chats with the Stalker often
+ Always "knows a guy"
+ A cup of tea cures all ills
The classic "gentleman spy", it's almost comical how perfect he is on the job. Knows every manner of etiquette, greetings/farewells, what gifts are most appropriate, and this also makes him the most notorious prankster within his family. Sure, one misstep may cause a political implosion with his prank, but it's nothing he can't fix with a kind, polite word and a delicious cup of tea. To his enemies and his friends, he's very Hannibal Lector-like from his manners to his hospitality. To his family? He's a goofball, and bad at charades. Him and Hisstaxia have an ongoing, friendly competition over which beverage is best: coffee or tea (they always manage to tie).