pretend you are the pet here, not the owner. keep a note on your answers.
1. on the way out of school you see an azul drop all her school things. would you: A. help her tidy her things away B. walk away and ignor what happened C. laugh at her and do nothing D. smile at her and ask if she is okay
2. you are at slater park and 1 of your friends, but no one else exept you, wants to go on murfin madness. would you: A. go along with your friend to murfin madness B. stay with the other friends and wait for the person who is going on murfin madness C. say, "who would want to go on that ride!" and walk away with your other friends D. try and persuade the other friends to go on murfin madness
3. your owner didn't want you and sent you to the pound. there were bullies who were teasing a small doyle. would you: A. stick up for this doyle B. ignor everyone C. join in with the bullies D. try and cheer the doyle up and tell him to be more brave
4. your owner adopted a non LE. would you: A. be kind to it and share your things with it B. carry on your normal lifstyle C. make fun of it and boast to it that you are a LE pet. D. welcome it and show it around
if you answered mostly A's, then you are a kind and funloving pet. that makes you a lati. [img][/img]
if you answered mostly B's, then you are a quiet, secretive pet. that makes you a chibs. [img][/img]
if you answered mostly C's, then you are a loud, and mean pet. that makes you a yuni. [img][/img]
if you answered mostly D's, then you are a caring pet but don't wanna get involved much. that makes you a mordo [img][/img]
thank you for taking my pet quiz!!!
The problem with this is the one that I want to be is'nt the one I am!!!!
116 years, 4 months & 23 days ago 25th Aug 2008 03:25