Mystic Mara (Not Club)
16 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
4th Mar 2008 06:51 * My Old Account Is Over A Year Nealy A Year And A Half Old!
This is NOT a club!!
I have helped start a group of Maradans called Mystic Mara.
Mystic Mara is made up of mostly the older Maradans who remember the old ways, and anyone else who doesn't like the way a lot of things are becoming. The group fights to fix Mara. We don't want to leave, but Mara is loosing its edge. So now we are fighting back! It is about time Mara is put back in its place!
A lot of the forums are disappearing. The Pets and Price Check Forums have gone over the roof. Prices and Value have gone way up to a point that it's rediculous. Pets are no longer important to many people. Just the profite you can get with them. Names, of pets as well as players, have gone way down. Are people not creative enough to make a descent name? Chat speak is overly used, and at the wrong timing. And no one actually takes the time and "grain of sand" of brain power in order to read the rules, or Profiles. Or blogs or siggies. They aren't there just to take space! Learn to respect people!
Doesn't anyone remember how it used to be? Where is the Mara we know? What is this site becoming? It may be fun now, but after another year or so.....there might be no Mara at this rate. This site used to be for fun. Why have you turned it into a job. An extention to the busybody, wild, careless, and evil world. Please! Put this in your blog saying you are a part of Mystic Mara. Put This same title at the top. But devote yourself to making Mara better for all!
The forums are for chatting, and help. For having fun. The Pets Forum is not just for stupid offers and overpriced pets with bad names. It is a place to talk about the latest pet news, and what has been going on with your pets.
Use the forums correctly! Don't post a topic more than once.
Pets should have better names. At least actual names. Not "Princes_Lover98427". The same goes with usernames. This is what people know you by! Don't make it bad! No "JojoJonnyFan003".
Pets that have costumes are under valued. Stats are raised too high. The value and worth of pets has changed in the worst way possible. Be reasonable. What used to be an Overoffer is now No longer acceptable!
Chat Speak is not cool. If you can't spell, you shouldn't be on Mara. You should be in school. You can read or you couln't do anything. So take one minute to read up on things. At least read the rules of mara! Speak ENGLISH on Forums. Don't be lazy! Use words. Chat Speak should only be used to express emotion. Not to avoid an ounce of Physical "Labor".
So Help change this today! If you agree, then repost this! Become part of the Mystic Mara! Feel free to use our siggies!
To all the Older (6 months and up) Maradans: Help take Mara back! Don't chicken out and leave! Join Mystic Mara and help to save Mara......before it is too late. Help us return things to the way they were! And only YOU can help!