Scary stories
16 years, 10 months & 14 days ago
1st Mar 2008 10:04 I'll tell you some scary stories once in a while.
The Chopper:
In Dallas, Texas 1987 a woman and a man went on a contrey cross trip. They had a yellow beetle as a car, which they hated. "Victor, I think we should get rid of this car." Victor's wife said. "Baby, we don't have any money." Victor exclaimed. "Oh, whatever." Isabella said. "I'm leaving you and I'm taking the beetle with me." "Oh baby don't leave me! We need to go on that trip." Victor cried. "At least I'm going to be somewhere far away from you." Isabella shouted in Victor's face. She drove away and throwed Victor's bag on the road. She moved to LA California. That night, Victor was smoking and alone on the street. Then a clownish voice said, "Die." And the clown ripped his flesh apart. 1992, and Isabella and "The Chopper" are nowhere to be found.
Little Dollie:
A six year old girl named Brandi just bought a barbie. "I'm going to have so much fun with you!" she said. That night, Brandi went to bed. Downstairs her dad picked up the doll and said, "Ew. This doll is ugly." and put it in the trash. That night, the doll rose up and went upstairs and killed Dad then Mom, then Brandi. A week later police came and found no sight of the doll. But when they came to Brandi's room, the doll rose up from nowhere and killed all the police-men.
Note: All these stories are fake.