16 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
26th Feb 2008 19:49 life is just full of opsites and so are you. like earth, sky, day, night. sounds and slince dark and light. one alone is not enough you need a both together. winter, summer, moon, sun. i look at the sky when i am confuzed to see what our world is like on the other side on life what to do with life is hard to see it. what can we do to live, be safe, and to be protected from the outside you got your self and your life don't watse it. its the only one you have and don't be like ceberites that watse there crapy life on drugs, smoking, and rapping disuting trolls thats why i am gald to be safe ib gods eyes were angels are safely giuding me throw life. i hope you have one too. wish you were in the good life well try hard and you can do it i wish you luck on your joruny