Sann's Bio
16 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
22nd Feb 2008 21:15 Hello. I am Sann. My real name, I cannot speak of my pardons. I am currently eleven years old and almost in sixth grade in Wilson Elementary School in California. For an elective there [little kids look to your parents to know what they are] I will play in music as a violinist. One of my friends say that I am very good at it, which sometimes I don't believe. I am in a one-sided intensive crush on an extremely attractive guy in school.
He might like me back. My best friend's name is Ashley Melissa Morris who is a month younger than me [born in February.] I'm a computer freak and I play on the computer more than five hours each day combined. I detest overreactive people, stuck-up girls, boys who don't care about what they say -same to you ladies-,people who show off, people who bother me or others, people who complain, and many other human faults. It is in my nature to talk back, think blankly, and often I can become so furious I can smash pens [I broke my aunt's last time.] But I am an overall generous person, humorous idiot, and a just friend. [Just can mean fair.] My father gave me a beautiful bracelet I never take off, but he will leave me and my mom to live in his own place nearby. My family is wonderfully dysfunctional, and I love it that way. I am fairly wealthy here in Marapets. At one time two years ago I signed up here and obtained nearly 597,000 or more Marapoints, but I forgot that account. Now I am worth only 250,000 MP. >< Don't like it one bit. I love my shop and pets, and I am currently questing for a female Latia who I plan to call Meredith. I love to make these long bios of my self but who cares? God made me this way.