How are you
16 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
18th Feb 2008 14:15 Take my angel pet quiz to find out what angel pet you are.
NOTE: More will be coming sooner or later! I promise!
1. Your minipet suddenly got all dirty just after you gave it a bath! You:
A. Let it stay dirty. You did all that work for nothing! It deserves to be dirty!
B. Start over, but then stop halfway through. Make it clean itself!
C. Sigh and make it clean and tidy again.
2. You want to do the portal.....but don't want to change into an ugly azul. You:
A. Don't go near it! I'm beautiful as it is!
B. Go into it, but then when the portal starts to glow, you jump straight out!
C. Take the chance! I'm still my same old self...aren't I?
3. You find an icefairy chibs potion in the potion shop, but you miss is by a deca-second! You:
A. Scream and make the person who took it, give it to you!
B. Cry and cry and take it to heart. THAT WAS ONCE IN A LIFETIME!
C. Sigh and try to get another rare potion. If at first you don't succeed.....................
4. You FINALLY get over 5 million mp! You:
A. Go and spend it ALL! I'm RICH!!!
B. Spend some......Save some, I may need it.
C. Save it ALL, after all.....I am doing Fates
5. You post something nice about someone, but then someone else insults you! You then:
1. SCREAM! HOW COULD YOU! You are as a matter of fact talking to an Angel!
2. Never talk to them ever again!
3. Report them, and then ignore anything they say.
6. Your older sister changes the channel on the T.V and doesn't let you watch your show! You:
1. Say, "Um, HELLO! I'm watching T.V here!"
2. Give a fight to change the channel, but then you lose to a scar on the arm.
3. Call in the reinforcements! (Mom, Dad)
If you get mostly A's then you are a CHIBS! You are too popular to handle! You have a lot of admirers and MUST be included in everything!
If you get mostly B's then you are a QUELL! You are a honest person, have a couple friends, but you want to show them you can do anyhting! But, you try as hard as possible!
If you get mostly C's then you are a POERA! You are a good person and like to keep to yourself. You like to care about people, places, and things......espacially nature!