17 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
15th Jun 2007 10:21 Putting your pets in the pet trades make them miserable!It may make your dreams come true, but it makes our pets nighmares come true!It takes their happyness away bit by bit.It starves them.These are true facts.
Listen to what the hunger, sleep, and happiness levels are saying!Stop abusing your pets!They also die just like your real life pets.Give a little!Play with them now and again.Feed them on a daily basis.Let them sleep in their bed!You dont like to not be treated that way, well they dont either!If your reading this you can learn what you may be doing to your pets.Take the tips if they are in the trading post.Let their new owner see how good you are at taking good care of your pets.How much you cared about them.Be a nice user!