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  1. Chapter 3!!!!!
    28th Jun 2008 07:10
    16 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  2. MY STORY! plz rate (need a title. post a comment)!
    13th Feb 2008 12:58
    16 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
MY STORY! plz rate (need a title. post a comment)!
16 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
13th Feb 2008 12:58

Here is some of my story. it's not all done yet, but it's getting there.


It???s the first day of the last year of this high school.
I???m Ashley. I live across the street from a supposedly haunted golf course. I live with my Mom Amber, my Dad Simon, my two little twin sisters Hailey and Bailey, My big Brother Aaron who just came back from law school, and my twin sister Skye. Oh, and I forgot to mention my two little Beagle guard dogs, Flopsy and Mopsy. We are moving after this year of high school.
???Here comes Josh??? said Cathleen, my best friend.
???Ok, ok??? I said.
???Hey Josh.??? I said to him as he passed by.
???Hey Skye.??? He said back. I turned to Cathleen and she squealed.
???Was that a sign???? I asked.
???That was so a sign,??? exclaimed Cathleen. ???But Josh still gets you mixed with Skye.???
???That???s fine.??? I commented.
We laughed as we walked to our first class.
When we got there, I saw Skye. Cathleen and I said Hi to her.
???Josh got us mixed up again, Skye.??? I told her.
???Again? That???s like the third time this week. And it???s Thursday. Not counting yesterday when he was absent.???
???Hello everyone. I???m your substitute, Miss.Lawler.??? Said a tall, thin, pretty woman. ???Your new social studies teacher, Mr.McLilsy had a flight delay back from California. He should be back in about three days.???
???I wonder when Mr.McLilsy is getting back. Wait, the sub said in three days. Why do I do that? ??? Said Cathleen when class got out.
???I have no clue. I???m going to go up to Josh and tell him what my name is at lunch.??? I told her.
???I???m going to miss you Ashley.??? Cathleen commented. She walked away.
???Stop doing that!??? Ashley yelled after her.
After Physical Education, Sign Language, and Math, there is lunch at last. She caught up to Josh.
???Hey Josh,??? I said.
???Hey Ashley,??? Said Josh
???Hey, you know my name.??? I said.
???Yeah. I was just playing with you. Wanna sit? ???He asked me.
???Sure,??? answered Ashley.
OK. Let???s pause this for a minute. Let me tell you a little about my self. I???m 15 years old, and a Junior in high school. The most important thing about me is that???..
I???m a witch. So are Skye, my mom, my dad, and everyone else in my family. Were like twin witches. Good, not bad.
I know a bad witch though. Actually many: Cassandra, Sakura, and many more.
Skye is a water witch, I am a fire witch, my mom is a plant witch, Hailey and Bailey are earth, like rock, and my brother is ice. My dad, you ask? Well he???s not one. He found out when my brother was born. Every time he burped up, out came an ice cube.
Oops. That was a secret.
???So, Ashley. Are you doing anything on Saturday???? Josh asks me.
I blushed.
???Are you okay???? Josh asks me.
I nod.
???So, are you????
Cathleen suddenly comes out of nowhere and answers for me.
Kind of.
"Yeah, she is. We were planning to go to the mall together, but we could always do that next week. Right Ashley?" said Cathleen.
I nodded. I gave her a 'Thanks' kind of look. Cathleen smiled.


On the way home, my cousin Kyle, almost scared the magic out of me (get it, magic? Ok, I???m getting the feeling you have no idea what I???m talking about. Tough crowd).
So he fly???s by me on a magic carpet, and on the way over me, he pours a bucket of FREEZING cold water on me, a fire witch. Not a good match.
So I got mad and started throwing fire balls at him. Just to let you know, I have great aim, so what ever you do, don't mess with me or I'll mess you up like I did to Kyle. I trapped him in a circle of flames, then, you'll never guess what happened.
Josh showed up.
"Ashley?" He said.
I stopped the flames. He was just standing there.
"Ashley." He said again
I just stood there.

"What, huh?" I said sitting strait up in my chair. I was sitting at the kitchen table.
"Ashley, your food is on fire." Said Hailey.
I grabbed my napkin and started swatting at the fire.
"Thank you captain obvious." I said. Then I realized. Duh! I'm a fire witch. I just stared at it, and the flame died down.

  1. Chapter 3!!!!!
    28th Jun 2008 07:10
    16 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  2. MY STORY! plz rate (need a title. post a comment)!
    13th Feb 2008 12:58
    16 years, 7 months & 6 days ago