Ancient History : Games, Newbie Help, Intro to Battling
16 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
10th Feb 2008 19:20 ===========================================
Games easy to get mp - no need for begging!
In order of ease: (score for 1500 mp)
Rofling Stamper...........(300)
Protect the Egg............(300)
Newth Snowb...(300 meters)
Marapet Keeper.........(3000)
Fruit Harvest.................(60)
Leido Bounce.............(3000)
Plasma Wars..............(1500)
Oglue Lunch...............(1500)
Simon...............(do 8 levels)
Muffins Bricks....(do 6 levels)
Candy Cannon...........(1500)
For Sale.................(2yr 6mo)
Dukka Trove........(300) long
Spider Solitaire..........(1500)
Free Cell....................(1500)
Battle of Baspinar..........(40)
Mah Jongg...................(300)
Usually never get 1500mp but they're soooo fast, play and take what you get:
Gumball Machine
Murfin Chase
Dagger Throw
Moon Raccoons
Rofling Gold
Newbie Help
- Play lots of games, it's free mp. Especially the games of the day and week.
- Learn how shop search works.
- Sell stuff in your shop. Don't sell for less than you paid, that's called losing mp. Wait until the price goes up. At first, stay away from Potions and Illegal Concoctions, unless you buy them at the Charity Shop.
- do Elger Quests to get mp and a crystal each time. Crystals are how you pay for training your pet at the gym. If Elger asks for expensive items, skip the quest - there's no penalty, you just have to wait the timer out.
- Santa Claws, Snowman, Farm and Candy Tree Quests : do the cheap quests. (all quests listed in Games)
- do the freebies/cheapies when you can, bookmark the Ziranek Countdown Clock., multiple/day : Snap card game (look in Games), Tombola (Baspinar's Castle), Eleka Tombola (Eleka Castle), Undying Tombola (Undying Woods), Worm Farming (Gigantic Paradise), Grave Digging (Undying Woods), once/day : Fruit Machine (Biala), Clocktower (Undying Woods), Open Graves game (Undying Woods), Portal (Enpiah), Christmas Tree (Biala), Celebrity Clothing Rack (Lowlywood), Guess the Weight (Gigantic Paradise), multiple/day : Plushie Machine (Slater Park), Gumball Machine (Candyland), Sword in the Stone (Baspinar's Castle), Eleka Fountain (Eleka Castle) stuff : Pot of Gold (Gigantic Paradise)
......half price stuff : Charity Shop (Puchala Village)
- nearly naked? Do shop search on 'celebrity' - lots of celeb. clothes are under 100mp.
Intro to Battling
Train at Minipet Island Gym every time you can. If something that shows up in countdown takes the same time as training, use it as a timer. Health keeps you alive. Strength and speed make you hit harder. As far as I know, defense is currently useless, but train it anyway. It would be bad if later on it does matter, and you have to spend 6 crystals to train defense all the way up.
------- Just starting, and willing to change your battle pet's species
Healing Wands : If you're starting, create a doyle pet. If you have a partially trained unfancy pet, buy the cheapest color of enchanted doyle plushie and have the pet play with it, to make it become a doyle. Once your pet is a doyle, you will be able to equip 2 doyle wands - do so. They are the best species healers, and will continue to work even if your pet changes species. I used doyle wands for a long time. When you can, upgrade (see next section).
Weapons : Turn your doyle into an addow (get the cheapest color of enchanted addow plushie). Then you'll be able to equip 2 addow staffs. They are the best cheap weapons. Upgrade when you can (see next section).
------- Otherwise ... (equip comparisons in blog #2)
Healing Wands : OK, get either 2 wands for your pet's species (not available for all species) or 2 Eleka Wands and equip them. Eleka Wands are almost the best healers, and are not species specific. Sun and moon wands are best, but not by much.
Weapons : More choices than for healers. Get either 2 weapons for your pet's species (not available for all species) or 2 good weapons. Golden axes are OK. Rotten swords and funky knives are very good and not too pricey - they are totally equivalent in hitting strength, get the cheaper of the two. I used funky knives for a long time. King Baspinar Axe is the best easily obtainable weapon.
Armor: Ignore it. I have 2 Eleka Shields in my attic in case they become useful in the future.
Magic: Magic is the strongest healer. You get magic stats from computer quests, Ice Caves (need to complete the map), and Eleka Fountain (in Eleka's Castle). The fountain usually makes your pet sick. My battle pet's magic stat is about twice her health stat.
Battle Strategy: Get full health in Jenoa Bubbling Pit before starting a battle. Hit. If your health drops so far you can't survive another hit, heal before hitting again. If you have low magic stats, you may have to wands-heal several times before every hit. If you lose the battle but not by a lot, try again, especially for Knutt Knight quests. Some hits (yours ant opponent's) are strong, some are weak - so if you redo the battle, you may get a higher number of strong hits and win.
Battle Healing: For healing, you can use wands only, magic only, or wands & magic. Don't use all your magic in one turn unless you need to, you may need some later in the battle. You cannot heal to more than your health stat. If your magic is gone, try repeated wands-only healing. Sometimes it's enough to get you back to full health - particularly if you have Eleka wands.
Battle Misc: Ignore attack type (fierce, etc.) - it has no effect. Spells are very expensive and don't do enough damage to justify spending a turn. Ignore potions. War equipment isn't coded for battle arena yet.
Opponents: When starting, pick weak opponents. There's a lot of good lists, one's at Uayl is weak and cheap (outside of user shops). Every time you beat an opponent, its hp goes up by one and every so many battles, its max hit will go up by one