
17 years & 29 days ago
6th Feb 2008 09:02(click "read all"

Join #JazzHands# today!
Buy something in my shop to enter! All you have to do is finish the story! If you win, you'll get a suprise! Just maramail me the answer!
One day there was a girl.
Her name was Sabrina.
Her hair was thick and blonde, and she had freckles all ver her face. Even though she seemed like your avrage every day girl, she really wasn't!
You DONT have to be a member of my club to do this contest.
Please include your username and days your avalible on mara to send prize to you (if you win)
This comp is for MEMBERS ONLY.
If your not a member, and you do eneter, i will ignore you. if u only become one 2 join in with the activity, i WILL except it. But please tell me when you leave, and i'll tell you if your allowed. if you leave and i tell you to stay for a bit longer, i'll block you and ignore you.
Now, this one is cool. If you could invent something, what would it be? its FREE to enter. Just maramail me this form (filled in of course) and the winner will get a prize! (note, this is your imagination. i dont care if its completly OTT)
Name of item: ______________
What does it do?__________________
How does it work? ________________
Days your DEFINETLY online ______________
This Contest is for ALL marapet users, members of my club or not.
Create a little picture using the signs and letters and numbers and whatever else on your keyboard. DONT MAIL ME A SIGGIE! If I found out (which I most certainly will) that you copied someone else's pic, u will be KICKED OUT OF THE COMP.