My Goals
16 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
4th Feb 2008 15:16 100k [/]
500k [/]
1 mil.[/]
2 mil.[/]
my cousin to get an angel fasoro [ /]
glass fasoro[/]
plant reese [/]
quell [/]
chibs [/] (sadly traded. I love you Klora!!!
to trade Mookal [/] (I can't believe I regected a mordo!
beat the level of goals im on [/] (I don't want to borow a viotto right now.)
If you want to help me goals come true, and you can please mm me, but I want this to get to everyone- Just because I have a good amount of mp and I have goals, I WILL NOT (let me repeat that) WILL NOT pay outrageous prices! Thanks.