Answers to question you may ask.
16 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
20th Jan 2008 12:15 Name: Lissy or alissia or ruby.
Age: somewere between 10 and 15.
Live: Somewere far away.
Relation ship status: None of your business but feel free to ask LOL
Fave pet: All fasoros.
Fave person on marapets: sweetangelbutterfly (besto)
Am i giving away my pets or items: NO so dont ask, but my friend might be. I might be trading.
Marapals: Open, but talk to me first.
Maramail: Open as long as their nice.
Club: Open as long as I know someone in it.
Always looking for new friends (especialy boys
LOL) so talk to me when you feel like it. If your going to talk to me, at least make it nice, huns. xxxx
Any more questions, please maramail me.