A little bit about me!
16 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
14th Jan 2008 14:50 Hey all! Just wanted to let you guys know a little bit about me. First of all, I love animals,I'm a Christian, my parents are both pastors, I am involved in alot of church activities, I love country music (Randy Travis' music to be specific), and I have a guinea pig named Patch. He is so adorable. I want a horse as well, but boarding it costs way too much every where, or I would have one by now. When I grow up,I want to move to Austrailia, and start a horse ranch, and an animal rehabilitation center. I am much of a tom boy. I watch football (I just became a fan actually), I love climbing trees, I'm nt afraid of falling and scraping my knees (ok, maybe a little). Well, that' all for now! Bye!