Ode to the Blue Doyle
17 years & 4 days ago
9th Jan 2008 16:14 What I am about to type is a true story. I am sure most of you will think I made it up, but it's very true, I assure you.
My good friend on here (harleygirl281) was scoping out the pet adoptions when she found a BLUE DOYLE!!!! No, seriously, someone actually abandoned a Blue D O Y L E!
Now, she could have just made a blue doyle for free, but she and I both agree that you can't put a price tag on a Doyle.
Actually, she told me that she would pay double for him if she had to.
Ok, now here comes the really crazy part. Her dream pet is a furry doyle (no, that isn't the crazy part), and instead of putting a Furry Costume on him, she is risking his species by Portaling him!! I can't believe the risk she is taking here. I've tried talking her out of it, but she says she is in the mood to take a risk. She is the bravest person I have ever met on Marapets!! Please, everyone cross your fingers that the Doyle doesn't change species!!! She will be heart broken forever.