To die, would be an awfully big adventure.
17 years & 7 days ago
8th Jan 2008 16:41 One morning at my going away party someone very special gave me a wrapped music box with a card taped to it. The card was said:
"I am giving you this little music box for when you get in a tragic moment of sadness.It's music will fill your heart of warmth, as it did for myself. My family has passed down this tradition from generation to generation.I recieved this special box. Handmade myself. Engraved thy name."
Love with all,
Rebekah L.
I was touched by this gift. I teared that night. She is the closest friend I ever had... Until a day of tragic had struck. My husband, died of cancer. Things got worse. My daughter died. Just how her father did. I called Rebekah. Right then, the door bell rang. A police officer. He said:
"Anna. Anna Raye. Rebekah Sierra... got in an accident. She has gone into a coma. She is in the Red Cross Hospital. East Wing. I would like to know if you would like to come with me."
I dropped the phone and ran passed him into his car. Leaving him behind. I arrived and ran in. Sliding and slipping on the oiled floor. Rushing people out of the way. I arrived at the room, I held my breath and stood in silence as the moniter went blank. I dropped to my knees in suffering pain. I kneeled down to her and held her hand. I stood there in tears. Saying Why? Everything happens for a reason... And as I held her hand I realized, This is the beginning of an adventure. There I lay and stayed there crying. As a warmth on my shoulder touched me. An angel. Rebekah. She wispered to my ear, "To die, would be an awfully big adventure. And It had just started." I was given the box by her. "Do not open. Only open it whenever you need me." The voice wilted away. I wiped a tear that fell on the box. I got home. (This time not with a cop's car.) And I thought of what Angel said. So I opened the box, and there I saw memories. A picture of us, a bracelet, a trading card we used to collect, a picture of the guy we both liked in High School, and lay at the bottom, was carved, I am going to die soon, But remember, To die, would be an awfully big adventure. I will always be in this little box....
Then when I closed it a different name appeared on the front. Not mine but Rebekah and Anna Forever. Rebekah changed it. But she stayed there. She stayed with me...To die, would be an awfully big adventure.
- Hayat234 & PrncssChristen
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