Operation Portal (YouLuvMe)
17 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
9th Jun 2007 01:49 Im just writin down what happens to my pet YouLuvMe (she is origanally a blue Azul) in all the times that I put her in the operation portal.
Hope u enjoy readin about it^^
1.She turned into a "chocolate murfin"
2.Nothing happened T_T
3.Nothing happened >.<
4.She gained one lvl stat
5.She turned to the clour blu
7.She changed to the colour green
8.nuthing happened...from now on im not recording da "nothing happeneds"
9.She turned blu
10.She changed to the colour red
11.She turned to the colour yellow
12.She turned red
13.She gained a strength stat
14.She turned green
15.She turned "Starry"
16.She turned into a "white gonk"
17.She turned red
18.She turned camouflage
19.She turned red (again lol)
20.She turned orange
I will write more when she goes in the portal again.
Thx for readin