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  1. 1x1 with Tirstirst
    23rd Apr 2009 08:40
    15 years, 4 months & 28 days ago
  2. FanFictions/Fan Series by Shinuki
    10th Jan 2009 13:12
    15 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
  3. Lets Talk Cows X3
    4th Jan 2009 14:03
    15 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
  4. My Roleplaying Character,Mariette (Marie-etta)
    17th Dec 2008 13:54
    15 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  5. Summary of the "Worst Day Ever for my School."
    28th Dec 2007 17:02
    16 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
Summary of the "Worst Day Ever for my School."
16 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
28th Dec 2007 17:02

NOTE--This is a true story that happened to me.

I walked into school,tired yet ready for class.By the second period of the day is when it happened.The principle came on the intercom,saying the school went into a lock-down.I glanced at to friends,Ally and Taylor,who looked worried.Ally and I exchanged worried smiles.A little while later,is when we had to leave the school.I snuck a book I was reading with me.We went to the High School and sat in the auditorium.I was shacking and clinging to Ally for comfort.That was when I let everybody see my tears.I must have been so upset and annoying that all of my friends near my tried to comfort me.The reason I was crying devastated most,for our school had recived a bomb threat.A call was sent home.Some parents quickly got their kids,some had to wait.Around 10:00 is when everything was found safe in the school,but we were being sent home.I cried and cried.Soon I went home.I kicked the wall at home.The worst day ever had ended for me.But Ally couldn't get ahold of her mother,and stayed untill two.I was shacking even the next day.That is why I ask you this.Where is the love?How come adolesence and kids alike do random,thoughtless,crazy stuff out of anger?If you feel the same why,write your own story about a bad day on your blog.But,do this for me,include who made this.Include the name Shinuki or Apples.Please.Maybe someone would read these and take action.I know I'm going to.Do your poart for the world.A little blog can go a loooooong way.

Thanks you.It was really scary.I think the kid went to jail who made the bomb threat.Recently there was a code blue I think.The teachers locked us in the rooms,I guess a lockdown,because of this huge fight.
115 years, 3 months & 1 day ago 19th Jun 2009 18:13
My worst day...

Start of lunch, just after I.C.T I was runniing to catch a friend up. I start up the concrete hill in our school, when this guy who hates me for how I dress, sticks his foot out in front of me. I don't see it, of course, and I trip on it. Next thing I know I'm flying through the air and my eye smashes into the corner of a red and fence and I get knocked out for a couple of seconds.

I learnt later that I slid along the ground and the only reason I kept all of my teeth was because the bottom ones went into my gum and split it from the back of my gum all the way over my lip.

I had a panic attack when I woke up because I had no clue what had happened and I couldn't see out of one eye because it was filled with blood.

The guy got away with it.

That's one of my worst days.

I'd be terrified if our school went into lockdown. You must have been in a right state. I don't think I could've handled that, and I don't blame you for crying.
115 years, 3 months & 13 days ago 8th Jun 2009 13:24
Locksdowns are like hell,most of the time.I was in math class,my least fave class,but the teacher is uber nice.

And it was when I was in 6th grade.
115 years, 8 months & 16 days ago 4th Jan 2009 13:56
Wow if u dont mind me asking, how old were u??
115 years, 8 months & 16 days ago 3rd Jan 2009 15:32
Lockdowns are scary, well depending on what teacher you had
115 years, 8 months & 20 days ago 31st Dec 2008 10:15
  1. 1x1 with Tirstirst
    23rd Apr 2009 08:40
    15 years, 4 months & 28 days ago
  2. FanFictions/Fan Series by Shinuki
    10th Jan 2009 13:12
    15 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
  3. Lets Talk Cows X3
    4th Jan 2009 14:03
    15 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
  4. My Roleplaying Character,Mariette (Marie-etta)
    17th Dec 2008 13:54
    15 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  5. Summary of the "Worst Day Ever for my School."
    28th Dec 2007 17:02
    16 years, 8 months & 23 days ago