Sad monolouge I wrote
17 years & 7 days ago
20th Dec 2007 20:16 I wrote this MYSELF for a theatre performance. It made a kid cry really hard.
My name is Holly Hauffe, and im six years old. My daddys name is Harry Hauffe and he served in the army and did a very good job. Every month he would send us letters and whenever we got one my mommy would bake us hommade cookies and we would sit on a special couch only for reading his letters. The last one he sent said that he was going to be going on a very dangerous mission and once he was done with it he would come back home, but if he never came back home, he said he would always be there for me only in a faraway place called heaven. After about two months we still hadn't gotten any letters from him. My mommy said that she was worried. Then one day, we finally got a letter in the mail and my mommy opened it up right away, she didnt even bother to sit on the letter couch or make chocolate chip cookies. I saw tears running down her cheeks and I asked her what was wrong. She said that daddy had passed away, and I asked her what that meant and she said that it meant that he wasnt ever going to come back. For an entire year I cried myself to sleep until one day I felt like I needed to read all of his letters again, so I took the letter box that we keep only daddys letters in and I asked her to read them to me. She read every single one and when we got to the last one she read the part about my daddy saying that he would always be there for me, and I knew it was true because my daddy knows everything. So now, every time before I go to sleep, I tell my daddy goodnight and I blow him a kiss all the way up to heaven and I know that he gets them because he always blows me back one too.
- created by me