My Christmas Stocking
17 years & 13 days ago
13th Dec 2007 20:07 Thank you all for the wonderful surprises! You guys are awesome!! *huggles*
*sorry if you did not get a thank you maramail from me coz mine is glitched. I hereby say it again here, thanks!
Xsistonly4u - Tip toes over to your Stocking and stuffs a Pink Doyzul into it.
punkin61 - Tiptoes up and puts a blue candycane and christmas tree cookies in your stocking.
jello_quean - *Tip toes over to your Stocking and stuffs a purple candy cane and one dukka coin into it*
tracyg76 - Sidles over sheepishly, dumps x marks the spot scratchcard in your stocking and leaves again.
ratajczak6 - sneaks in the winning scratchcard in your stocking while your not looking.
MarriedMelly - Sneaks in and places an x marks the spot scratchcard in your stocking, enjoy.
*Starting from here all I got was alerts and no maramail*
prettymaxinne - Burnt Pizza
One Dukka Coin
Citrus Mug
Bronze Candycane
Gold Candycane
debbieg2004 - Canes Venatici
Chill #19
Colonial Wig
Male Celebrity #17
rainbow54 - Ash Crystal
Glowing Green Egg
Glowing Red Egg
Red Candycane
Green Candycane
Snowman Book
rosesylace - Glowing Strawberry Egg
Glowing Marapets Egg
Digital Candycane
rubymine4 - X Marks The Spot Scratchcard
Can of Peach
wintergreen555 - Chapter 2 by The Glowing Roflings
Long Blue Balloon
xvxcat - Blue Azeido
BBFishbone - The History of Candyland
Earth Diamond
Jar of Blueberry
tigger68au - Chubley
GutterxFlower - Bedtime Stories
Feliz Staff
Female Celebrity #38
Glowing Strawberry Egg
Law Scholarship
Orange Candycane
stephy4554 - Mint Chocolate Azul
Tanning Salon Ticket
AbsolutNormal - Snow Ushunda Photo
X Marks The Spot Scratchcard
Red Candycane
One Dukka Coin
Tattogurl - Glowing White Egg
Lottery Stamp
Fushia Pearl
natskiddo - Twinkle #7
Chocolate Chibs Plushie
Chocolate Pie
More surpises from AbsolutNormal!! woohoo!! thank you, thank you!
I love you sweety
Greatest Hits by Syn D *dies*
Love Diamond
Water Diamond
Steam Diamond
Frozen Candycane
Christmas Tree Cookies
Principessa73 - Rubhd Trading Card
Frozen Paper Hat
Bronze Candycane
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
jimbogogo - Loquat
XKIZMET - X Marks The Spot Scratchcard
One Dukka Coin
cheyduck1 - White Candycane
bud01 - Blue Balloon
Christmas Tree Cookies
Mermaid Ercuw Plushie
Light Crystal
Finally my mails returned today woohoo!!!
ladytandio - I climb down your chimney and sneak to where you stocking are hung. I look through my goodie back and find for you a diamond, a dukka, and crystal. I sneak back up the chimney and away I go and at the top of my lungs wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
kateed - ha ha slipped in when you were not looking and slid a new shirt, a voodoo doll and a kidlet potion in your stocking to wish you a merry christmas.
spacetrekkers - Hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the holidays the fullest! Best Wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Please find the followng items in your stocking
Moss Green Pearl
Giant White Tulip
Glowing Love Egg
Female Cool Sunglasses
Striped Vase
leebak - *tippy toes into your house and stuffs
Red Flow
Yellow Candycane
Purple Balloon
Fire Crystal
into your stocking*