My mini peeves list on marapets.
17 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
6th Dec 2007 12:50 ???People asking for Haystack-I hate that! Haystack means to much to me....
???Sending me club invites without asking. I just get annoyed with that, but I'd love to join any warriors club.
???I love to get marapals, but just tell me before I you send me a request. I didn't say ask. I said tell.
???I usually don't using the trading post for getting items, so don't ask me if I will trade any items with you.
???Do not beg for money, items pets or anything! I earned these things, so I think you can too. I mean, if you are poor, I will lend you some money and items....but....don't beg.
???Don't mail me using inappropriate words or phrases.
This is my little peeves list. I will not report anyone who breaks them, but I will give them a warning.
Sorry for sounding strict, but, I just think these things can get annoying for A LOT of people. I'm one of them