Mara Slang Terms
17 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
23rd Nov 2007 21:08 This is mainly for the new members who have no clue what people mean by "MP" or "siggy". Maramail me to add to this list. :]
MP - Currency used in most of Marada. Can be gained from Games, Dailies, and other fun things.
BP - Baspinar Points. Can be gained from the Tombola at Baspinar Castle, or from One Player Battles. 1BP = 10MP.
RP - 1. Restocking Points. Can be gained when one purchases from one of the Main Shops. 5 rarity = 5RP, and so on. 1RP = 10MP.
2.Roleplay. Visit this website (without spaces) for Roleplaying advice.
Siggy - Signature. Image or text that follows your post on the Forums.
Mods - Moderators. Staff members that watch over the Forums. Have green stars next to their usernames.
Blue Stars - Site admin. Important staff -- try not to bother them.
Iced - Banned. When someone has their account banned from the site is when they can no longer play on that account.
Charries - Characters. The "Doll" you create when you first join Marapets.
Cossies - Costumes. Can be used to change your pet's color.
Screenies - Screenshots. Picture of a page on your computer. Made by pressing the "Prnt Scrn / SysRq" button on your keyboard and pasting onto a Paint program.
Poke - Used to keep a topic alive, or at the top of the page. This isn't allowed unless it's a staff's topic. Try your best to refrain from poking topics.
PC - Price check. Used on the Price Check Forum indicating that someone needs to know the price of an item.
LE - Limited Edition. Pets that can only be acquired through Account Upgrades or Missions.
AU - Account upgrades.
MM - Maramail.