The Crisp Autumn Breeze
17 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
10th Nov 2007 06:52 Now is the time when the last golden aspen leaf quivers and shivers
Now is the time when the first snowflake dances and prances
Now is the time when lavender lupines wither away
Now is the time when colorful columbines breathe their last breath in a bad way
Now is the time when round rabbits dream about the upcoming spring
Now is the time when marble sized mice gather food, wondering what next spring will bring
Now is the time when a blue blanket of snow covers the earth
Now is the time when the sun comes out, like the sun has rebirth
Now is the time when the mountains reach into the calm clouds and sprinkle snow onto their peaks
Now is the time when blue birds fly south for the winter with chattering beaks
Now is the time when brown beavers dive under the shivering water into their drowsy dames
Now is the time when avalanches wake up and there is very few mountain rams
Now is the time when fabulous fall turns into wonderful winter
i wrote it my self. but it TOTALLY isn't my best act of literature...