17 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
8th Nov 2007 18:25 love
Love is when you dont know what to think,
you randomly find their name popping up in your head,
and you want to do anything.
you are confused,
but in a good way.
you love life,
and hate it again,
you laugh alot,
and cry alot more.
You feel more alive then ever,
but want to die at the same time.
you find yourself in a weird place,
but you that place feels so real.
life becomes surreal,
making you want to scream out the words
you want to tell everyone,
but dont want to be judged,
you keep it bottled up,
but are dying when it is inside.
the person you love is either;;
someone who is very close,
or someone you've never met.
someone out there loves you,
and you love them back,
even if you dont know the person yet.
you find yourself doodling on your notebook,
but dont even notice it until your notebook is COVERED.
this is what I experience in love,
and I am LOVING every second of it.