ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game and Christmas Day Raffle
2 years & 7 days ago
19th Dec 2022 15:59 Welcome to the Christmas ornament game. Each day from now until Christmas Eve I will post 5 tasks to complete in my Christmas Ornament Game Tasks blog. Please mm me prior to starting your tasks so I can verify they get done. Once I give you the greenlight to begin your tasks you may then complete them. mm again to let me know they are finished. You only need to mm me before the first task of the day and the last task of the day not prior to each task. Once you complete all 5 tasks for the day I will mm you you have completed them. For each day you complete all five tasks you will receive a small prize, an entry into my Christmas Day Raffle and you also be able to choose a Christmas ornament. Each ornament will be listed here represented by a number. Once I mm to go ahead and choose an ornament you come to this blog to choose a number from the list. As each ornament is chosen it will be removed from the list so no ornament can be chosen twice. Each ornament holds a prize to be won to include items, au, additional ornament picks and additional raffle entries. The last tasks will be posted Christmas Eve. You will have until Christmas Day at reset to complete all tasks for each day. After reset i will place all entries into an online generator to choose the winner. The winner of the Christmas Day Raffle will win an enchanted Christmas Vixen Plushie and The Little Christmas Tree DVD. Two second chance winners will receive a choice of one au item from the au shop worth 3 au or less. The second chance winners will also be chosen by the generator. Once you win a prize you will be ineligible to win another raffle prize. Each winner will be different Thank you for playing and Good Luck
Christmas ornament list
2, 4,
16, 21, 23, 24,
28, 30, 34, 35, 38,
40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47
Added ornaments 51, 52, 54, 55