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Hey all! Returning player to mara after a hiatus. Willing to haggle on trades, feel free to send me an MM! Currently collecting photos, and gourmet foods for Epona :3

Always looking for Gonk items! Send me an MM if you have gonk items you want to get rid of, I'm sure we can strike a deal!

STAFF: I will be moving soon, so my IP's might be a little wonky for a bit.
  1. Missing Gonk Items for Gallery
    7th Mar 2021 09:40
    3 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  2. Missing Photos Masterlist
    13th Feb 2021 14:52
    3 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  3. Dream Pet Masterlist - Brindle
    13th Feb 2021 11:17
    3 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  4. Signatures/Art I've bought :3
    17th Jun 2018 13:01
    6 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
Missing Photos Masterlist
3 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
13th Feb 2021 14:52

THIS MASTERLIST IS INCOMPLETE! I'm still missing quite a bit of the photos (over 7000), so I'm going to add onto this as I can. I'm going by costume in alphabetical order, adding photos that are not of pets at the end of this list in the OTHERS category. Thanks for taking the time to look!

TRADERS If your photo worth less than mine by about 50k-100k, or worth more my photo in question, I will swap regardless if I have it already in my collection.

This will be edited as I receive photos/add categories to the list.

Gizmo, Phanty, Poera, Sindi, Viotto, Vixen,

Arinya, Azul, Dakota, Lati, Lorius, Phanty, Poera, Tantua, Vixen, Zoink

Addow, Arinya, Astro, Azul, Basil, Bolimo, Crikey, Crindol, Daisy, Decadal, Doyle,
Echlin, Equilor, Eryu, Fasoro, Feliz, Figaro, Flab, Gonk, Grint, Huthiq, Ideus, Ike, Jessup, Justin, Kaala, Kidlet, Knutt, Kujo, Lati, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Newth, Nino, Oglue, Osafo, Paffuto, Poera, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Reese, Renat, Rowling, Rusty, Snookle, Speiro, Sabri, Tantua, Tasi, Troit, Ushunda, Viotto, Vixen, Vlad, Walee, Willa, Xoi, Yakubi, Yuni, Zola

Azul, Basil, Bolimo, Chibs, Decadal, Doyle, Echlin, Eyru, Fasoro, Flab, Hump, Jessup, Justin, Kaala, Knutt, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Murfin, Oglue, Quell, Raulf, Sindi, Snookle, Straya, Sybri, Tantua, Tasi, Ushunda, Vixen, Willa, Yuni, Zoosh

Arinya, Chibs, Doyle, Gobble, Jessup, Kujo, Osafo, Poera, Quell, Tasi, Ushunda, Vixen, Willa, Zoosh

Addow, Arinya, Astro, Basil, Bolimo, Chibs, Crikey, Crindol, Daisy, Dakota, Decadal, Echlin, Equilor, Ercuw, Eyru, Fasoro, Feliz, Figaro, Flab, Gizmo, Gobble, Gonk, Grint, Hump, Huthiq, Ideus, Ike, Jessup, Justin, Kaala, Kidlet, Knutt, Kronk, Kujo, Lati, Liedo, Limax, Lorius, Murfin, Newth, Nino, Oglue, Osafo, Paffuto, Phanty, Poera, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Reese, Renat, Rofling, Rusty, Sindi, Snookle, Speiro, Straya, Sybri, Tantua, Tazi, Troit, Ushunda, Viotto, Vixen, Vlad, Walee, Wallop, Willa, Xoi, Yakubi, Yuni, Zetlian, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh

Decadal, Fasoro, Huthiq, Limax, Mordo, Nino, Poera, Raulf, Rofling, Willa, Xoi, Yuni, Zetlian

Azul, Basil, Crikey, Equilor, Feliz, Newth, Xoi

Dakota, Gizmo, Ideus, Justin, Limax, Lorius, Reese, Tantua, Walee

Arinya, Eyru, Figaro, Gobble, Kujo, Lati, Limax, Osafo, Pucu, Sindi, Tantua, Troit, Vixen

Arinya, Astro, Azul, Basil, Bolimo, Chibs, Daisy, Dakota, Decadal, Ercuw, Eyru, Fasoro, Figaro, Flab, Gobble, Hump, Hutihq, Jessup, Kaala, Kidlet, Knutt, Kronk, Kujo, Lati, Leido, Limax, Mordo, Nino, Osafo, Phanty, Quell, Raulf, Rofling, Sindi, Snookle, Speiro, Straya, Sybri, Tantua, Vixen, Vlad, Willa, Xoi

Chibs, Daisy, Jessup, Knutt, Kronk, Lati, Leido, Limax, Murfin, Poera, Pucu, Vixen, Xoi, Zetlian

Basil, Dakota, Doyle, Echlin, Kaala, Lati, Newth, Reese, Rusty, Sindi, Tasi, Walee, Willa, Xoi, Zoosh

Addow, Arinya, Astro, Azul, Basil, Bolimo, Chibs, Crikey, Crindol, Daisy, Dakota, Decadal, Doyle, Echlin, Equilor, Ercuw, Eyru, Fasoro, Feliz, Figaro, Flab, Gizmo, Gobble, Grint, Hump, Huthiq, Ideus, Ike, Jessup, Justin, Kaala, Kidlet, Knutt, Kronk, Kujo, Lati, Leido, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Murfin, Newth, Nino, Osafo, Paffuto, Phanty, Poera, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Reese, Renat, Rofling, Rusty, Sindi, Speiro, Straya, Sibri, Tantua, Tasi, Troit, Ushunda, Viotto, Vixen, Vlad, Walee, Wallop, Willa, Xoi, Yakubi, Yuni, Zetlian, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh

Arinya, Astro, Azul, Basil, Bolimo, Chibs, Crikey, Crindol, Dakota, Decadal, Doyle, Echlin, Equilor, Ercuw, Eryu, Feliz, Figaro, Flab, Gizmo, Gobble, Grint, Hump, Huthiq, Ideus, Ike, Jessup, Justin, Kaala, Knutt, Kronk, Kujo, Lati, Leido, Limax, Lorius, Mordo, Murfin, Newth, Nino, Oglue, Paffuto, Phanty, Poera, Pucu, Quell, Raulf, Reese, Renat, Rofling, Sindi, Snookle, Speiro, Straya, Sybri, Tantua, Tasi, Troit, Ushunda, Viotto, Vixen, Vlad, Wallop, Willa, Xoi, Yakubi, Yuni, Zetlian, Zoink, Zola, Zoosh

Accountant Photo, Ancient King Baspinar, Ancient Marada, Archeology Photo, Asda Photo, Assistant Photo, Bailey Photo, Battle Fairy Photo, Beyonce Photo, Bezo Wanted Poster, Billie Jo Photo, Blackout Event Photos

  1. Missing Gonk Items for Gallery
    7th Mar 2021 09:40
    3 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  2. Missing Photos Masterlist
    13th Feb 2021 14:52
    3 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  3. Dream Pet Masterlist - Brindle
    13th Feb 2021 11:17
    3 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  4. Signatures/Art I've bought :3
    17th Jun 2018 13:01
    6 years, 6 months & 28 days ago