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What up! I'm an old returning player and behind on the times. I draw a lot but sporadically on here. Only going to draw pets as it's unfair to commissioners on other socials. <:}

Staff: I use my phone and desktop, my GF is Koze so we use the same WiFi. :) Shops/Trades: If you need something quick for a mission, I can try and cut you a deal. Just HMU if I'm online!

Pets: Working on fixing up pets, only one's up for trades/offers is Stefanny! Everyone else is HTP.

Current Main Pet: Daegny
Collecting Rusty plushies and other dog paraphernalia for her as she is named after my IRL dog Dagny. Hot Dawg and Halloweenie obtained before end of Halloween 23'!
  1. Pet Trades
    5th Dec 2023 09:05
    1 year & 22 days ago
  2. Pet Goals - 10 Years later
    12th Oct 2023 07:54
    1 year, 2 months & 14 days ago
  3. Dream pets/Goals
    9th May 2013 21:10
    11 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  4. Art Commissions
    3rd May 2013 19:36
    11 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  5. Application for Tooth
    1st May 2013 18:49
    11 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
    5th May 2009 15:38
    15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
  7. "Angel egg has now been sent to midnight sunrise"
    22nd Apr 2009 18:38
    15 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
Pet Goals - 10 Years later
1 year, 2 months & 14 days ago
12th Oct 2023 07:54

[center]Back at it again to complete baby Lugia06's goals. Some have changed as designs got updated (looking at you, Chibs[/center]

Adminia - Currently in a prison fit. Was going to be an Angel but moving to Gothic. Transubstantiation on 22/30 currently. Need to make her female? She may have drank a conc potion b/c I swear she was female lol. On track: Like Completed on 10/20/23 Like

Ario - Was going to be a Devil to match with Adminia, changed into a Musical pet from a Galaxy (don't remember putting him in that?) 10/09/23. Thought about punk but I love the art for musical too much. The cheery brother to a debby downer sister. Smile Passively working on musical instruments for him. On track: Like (pseudo done)

Drad -My weird pseudo name I made. Drac/Brad ahh name. He is currently Killer Zetlian so he fits and on hold. Needs to be something spooky. Maybe vampire?
EDIT: On 10/31/23 I asked for Mr.Beezy to make him into a vampire Vlad and he obliged. He will now be a Beezlebub and Maraween shrine going forward. Like Completed on 10/31/23 Like

Dukino - My son, my funny monster dog son from Borderlands. Gotta be a Halloween Rusty or a Sewer/Mummy Zola for a closer resemblance to Skags.
EDIT: on 11/19 I pulled a Grey Zola plushie out of the capsule machine! 4th usage of it! Mutating him with Tricking who I made a Viotto just for this.
Edit: 11/28 9 times. 9 freaking times to transform him into mutant. I have so many Pink Viola's now.... Like Completed on 11/28/23 Like


Angeletta - Arrived: 11/17/23. Is a bootleg Kujo but I'm not a huge fan of them. Might swap the name of Adminia and her and try trading. She messes up the row system a bit haha.
Since traded away for Nadiene and Stefanny 11/20/23 ! The rows bugged me so much dudes.

Hammerlock - Given away on 11/20! I tried making him into a explorer or silly lil Sybri but I'm not really feeling it.

Delighted - Traded away for Angeletta and Buppy 11/17/23!
Potentially another project, it was the first 'real word' name I've made. Maybe using it to trade up to a new project (I'm doing the same thing again from 10 years ago lol). Currently trying to downsize trade for PROJECT D pet.

Nominate - Traded away for Fossilize 10/12/23. Loved the name but I just don't vibe with the royal colors. Huge upgrade from previous costumes Was trying to downsize trade for PROJECT D pet, but I like this outcome!

Losinge -Traded away for Tricking 11/15/23! Obligatory gym pet, but backed off of it when Daegny was born. Not sure what to do with them, don't love their name or feel too sentimental to them. Will probably update with further transformation from OP or WP.
10/20/23, went from Water, Olive, Purple, and White Tasi to a... Magenta Kaala lol. Flew too high to the sun or whatever, changed to an Australian Walee for stats for now.

Xeneas - 10/28/23 Given to Koze! Starter battle pet. :3 Not sure what to do with them. I do have a Viotto Essence I could use on them to match the pokemon. Might try to use them for downsizing PROJECT D pet. I want Shrimplicity to be the last pet on my list and hanging over it, so may just drop entirely.

Naidene Traded for Vitiligo !


Buppy -Newcomer! 11/17/23 Perfect the way they are ;w;. Like Completed on 11/17/23 Like

Fossilize - Newcomer! Came just today 10/12/23. Love them as is but maybe make them into a different pet with Zombie costume. On track: Like (pseudo done)

Shrimplicity - Newcomer! Born the second day of returned on 10/10/23. Like, c'mon. Name was available and I had never seen a Kronk??? Got an enchanted plushie for 14 million and now they are an adorable little guy. As shrimple as that. Like Completed on 10/10/23 Like

adivan - My first pound pet! At least since the changes. He has great stats and was lv 11 at his chef job. His lowercase name doesn't disrupt the rows, so he'll chill for now.

Naidene & Stefanny - Newcomers / Projects! No ideas yet. I have a few LE potions but they are cute default kitties for now.

10/18 EDIT Project D/Daegny - Has been born. I decided I did not want to risk her getting taken so I just made her. Going to build her very specifically (only toys she plays with are Rusty's, no non-dog food for food, etc.) but she will be the main otherwise. Got her transformed into Australian for this week on 10/15/23. Stats currently: [img][/img]
After Maraween: [img][/img]
Ongoing project forever

  1. Pet Trades
    5th Dec 2023 09:05
    1 year & 22 days ago
  2. Pet Goals - 10 Years later
    12th Oct 2023 07:54
    1 year, 2 months & 14 days ago
  3. Dream pets/Goals
    9th May 2013 21:10
    11 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  4. Art Commissions
    3rd May 2013 19:36
    11 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  5. Application for Tooth
    1st May 2013 18:49
    11 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
    5th May 2009 15:38
    15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
  7. "Angel egg has now been sent to midnight sunrise"
    22nd Apr 2009 18:38
    15 years, 8 months & 4 days ago