Progress Goal
4 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
27th Sep 2020 14:47 ✔️ = Done/Doable
❌ = Not Completed
1. Complete Level 36 or higher of Lowlyhood Goals ✔️
2. Buy any item from the Antique Shop(waiting for daily discount) ✔️
3. Complete 10,000 or more Quests ✔️
1. Complete Level 37 or higher of Vortex Park Goals(need map) ✔️
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a Profit of 75% or higher ✔️
3. Collect 1,000 or more items in your Wardrobe ✔️
1. Complete Level 37 or higher of Biala Mountain Goals ✔️
2. Buy any item from the Boosters Shop ✔️
3. Collect 1,000 or more Plates in your Plate Collection ✔️
1. Complete Level 38 or higher of Candyland Goals ✔️
2. Accept a level 7 or higher Job Promotion ✔️
3. Have 100 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck ✔️
1. Complete Level 38 or higher of City of Marada Goals ✔️
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a Profit of 100% or higher ✔️
3. Collect 1,000 or more Photos in your Photo Album ✔️
1. Complete Level 39 or higher in City Sewers Goals ✔️
2. Accept a Level 8 or higher Job Promotion ✔️
3. Collect 160 or more Glowing Eggs in your Nest ✔️
1. Complete Level 39 or higher of Dukka Caves Goals ✔️
2. Buy an item from the Account Upgrades Shop ✔️
3. Collect 150 or more Stamp in your Stamp Album ✔️
1. Complete Level 39 or higher of Enpiah Goals ✔️
2. Accept a Level 9 or higher Job Promotion ✔️
3. Complete 200 or more Mission levels ✔️
1. Complete Level 40 or higher of Jenoa Goals ✔️ (128)
2. Buy any item from the Giftbox Shop ✔️
3. Have 15 or more Giftboxes in your collection ✔️
1. Complete Level 40 or higher of Kamilah Desert Goals ✔️
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a Profit of 150% or higher ✔️
3. Find 400 or more Hidden Avatars ✔️
1. Complete Level 40 or higher of Lowlyhood Goals ✔️
2. Accept a Level 10 Job Promotion ✔️
3. Collect 7 or more Treasure Maps in your collection ✔️
1. Complete Level 41 or higher of Lush Lake Goals ✔️
2. Win 1,500 or more Battles ✔️
3. Pay 60 days or more of Sultan Taxes ✔️
1. Complete Level 41 or higher of Nimbus Goals ❌
28/30 accept pet after start mission
28->29 [complete Level 37]
29->30 [complete Level 44]
2. Collect 1,500 or more items in your Wardrobe ✔️
3. Complete 1,500 or more Quests ✔️
1. Complete Level 41 or higher of Puchalla Village Goals ❌
2. Have 150 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck ✔️
3. Collect 1,500 or more Plates in your Plate Collection ❌
1. Complete Level 42 or higher of Slater Park Goals ✔️
2. Collect 190 or more Glowing Eggs in your Nest ✔️
3. Collect 1,500 or more Photos in your Photo Album ✔️
1. Complete Level 42 or higher of Undying Woods Goals ✔️
2. Complete 250 or more Mission levels ✔️
3. Collect 175 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album ✔️