Personal Goal
3 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
23rd Jun 2021 14:51 23,06.2021:
You have completed
3,066 Desert Spy quests
You have
1,052,680 Spy Points to spend in the Desert Spy Shop
starting point mps:
72,270,087 MP
at first hurdle when violin was not in shop:
You have completed
3,076 Desert Spy quests
You have
1,057,699 Spy Points to spend in the Desert Spy Shop
72,226,057 MP
total mps spent
44,030 for 10 spy quests and 5000 spy points
Round 2
starting point 72,279,632 MP
End :
You have completed 3,141 Desert Spy quests
You have
1,098,858 Spy Points to spend in the Desert Spy Shop
Ending Mps
72,005,308 MP
Total spent
274,324 mp for 65 Quests and 41,159 spy points
day 2: 24.06.2021:
starting point
70,420,666 MP
You have completed
3,258 Desert Spy quests
You have
1,167,891 Spy Points to spend in the Desert Spy Shop
70,195,353 MP
total spent
225,313 MP for 116 quests and 68,358 spy points