Fate 2022
3 years & 2 days ago
10th Jan 2022 17:09 Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Olive Huthiq Potion
Olive Huthiq Potion is now in your Items
Captains Loot Scratchcard is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Maroon Viotto Potion
Maroon Viotto Potion is now in your Items
Purple Crystal Glowing Egg is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Checkered Viotto Potion
Checkered Viotto Potion is now in your Items
Congratulations! You found the Troll Hidden Avatar
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Gold Oglue Plushie
Enchanted Gold Oglue Plushie is now in your Items
You have completed the Enchanted Plushie Instructions
You now have lifetime access to Enchanted Plushie Machine
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Olive Zoosh Plushie
Enchanted Olive Zoosh Plushie is now in your Items
You have completed the Fishing Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to Fishing
You have completed the Whirlpool Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to Whirlpool
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Teal Kronk Potion
Teal Kronk Potion is now in your Items
Thank you for buying Enchanted Defective Ercuw Plushie for £4 Account Upgrade Credits
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Yellow Poera Plushie
Enchanted Yellow Poera Plushie is now in your Items
The Dark Fairy has taken MP100,000MP from you...
Dark Fairy Costume is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Radioactive Phanty Plushie
Enchanted Radioactive Phanty Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Snow Huthiq Plushie
Enchanted Snow Huthiq Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Red Zoink Potion
Red Zoink Potion is now in your Items
Guide is now Sparkle Yuni
You can visit the Whirlpool every 24 hours
Come back in 24 hours
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Brown Gizmo Plushie
Enchanted Brown Gizmo Plushie is now in your Items
Wow! Look what you caught fishing..
Dukka Treasure Chest is now in your Items