9th LE Pull + history
4 years & 24 days ago
1st Dec 2020 12:37 Enchanted Grey Nino Plushies
Enchanted Aqua Limax Plushie
Enchanted Magenta Limax Plushie - Aug 5 2019
Enchanted Maroon Hump Plushie - Jan 21 2020
Enchanted Aqua Hump Plushie
Enchanted Camoflague Viotto Plushie - April 26 2020
Enchanted Galaxy Poera Plushie - Dec 1 2020
Enchanted Snow Rofling Plushie - May 8 2022
Enchanted Aqua Ercuw Plushie x2 (2+1 weekly perk) - May 19 2023
Just won the galaxy poera plushie and decided to go back and see which other LE maker I've won. These are in chronological order with the date's I can account for. I'll probably go back and look for the dates on the others but not right now lol