Goals Tracker
2 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
20th May 2022 13:04 Progress Goals: 20
1. Complete Level 15 or higher of Gigantic Paradise Goals (4/15)
2. Get your pet a Job and Collect Wages
3. Collect 150 or more items in your Wardrobe
Baspinar's Castle: 11
Own any Oglue pet
Biala Mountain: 14
Complete 100 or more Santa Claws quests (65/100)
Candyland: 10
Own any pet wearing a Cotton Candy Costume
City Sewers: 20
Complete Level 14 or higher Sewer Cleaner mission (1/14)
City of Marada: 14
Use the Hospital to cure a pet with Common Cold
Dukka Caves: 16
Own any pet wearing a Pirate Costume
Eleka's Castle: 9
Own any pet wearing an Eleka Costume
Enpiah: 15
Own any pet wearing an Enpiah Costume
Foxfire Forest: 16
Complete Level 15 or higher Beast in the Woods mission (10/15)
Gigantic Paradise: 4
Own any pet wearing a Leprechaun Costume
Jenoa: 6
Own any pet wearing an Underwater Costume
Kamilah Desert: 20
Play and reach Level 4 or higher at Jackpot Pyramid
Lowlyhood: 32
Complete Level 20 or higher Priscilla mission (18/20)
Lush Lake: 23
Enter the Olympics at Expert Level or higher
Minipet Island: 13
Own any pet wearing a Baby Costume
Nimbus: 10
Own any pet wearing a Daylight Costume
Puchalla Village: 16
Own any pet wearing a Fancy Costume
Simeria: 10
Own any pet wearing a Light Fairy Costume
Slater Park: 16
Own any pet wearing a Plushie Costume
Undying Woods: 14
Play the Undying Tombola and win Undying Tombola
Vortex Park: 21
Complete Level 15 or higher Penitentiary mission (10/15)
Ziranek: 31
Play 100 or more Games for the Arcade Fairy (0/100)