A Medical Mystery
4 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
9th Feb 2020 13:18 Hi friends! You know how me said me've had a sister called Whizzy? This morning me asked me've owner if she had seen Whizzy. Me've owner was very confused and worried. She took me to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed me with Somniferous Hallucinations. It mean when me sleep, me semi-awake and me hallucinates! Good thing me have no sister! Whew, that would be bad! So it's just back to me and me've owner. She bought me've a skateboard and banned my no sugar diet. Even though I have to at a fruit every now and then. The doctors did put me on a special diet though. Foods with only tryptophan which is what makes me sleepy. So I eat cheese, turkey, bannans, dark chocolate, cherries and bread! That's why me sugar ban is off! The doctor told me a bunch of new words me never knew! I think I might be a scientist or doctor. But now me really confused what me want to be? Anyways, until next time!
-Wuzzlefuzz (A.K.A. Big Boi)