Santa Claws 2019
5 years & 17 days ago
10th Dec 2019 04:58 I just wanna keep track
Starting Quest: 1,531
Starting MP: 20 mil
Ending MP: 13,927,010
MP Spent: 6,072,990
Final Quest Count: 2,710
Quest Done: 1,179
Items Won:
2 Million MP
10 AU
19 Checkered Zola Plushie
15 Derriere
15 Fortune Cookie Jelly
28 Not Christmas Music
15 Penguin Tree Decoration
12 Right Pigtail Hair Extension
14 Santa Claws Vacation
18 Santa Claws Vacation Mug
Total of 136 items
136 x 500K = 68 mil
22 mil (if I sold AU at 2 mil each)
Total of 90 Million MP
Spent about 6 mil so
Actual Profit:
84 Million MP