[♥] Hospice - Tips and Hints
5 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
3rd Nov 2019 14:50 I would LOVE more people to do Hospice, I thought I would log my third run and show people how I personally do the mission and give some tips on how you can complete it for MUCH cheaper than you think
I logged my third run *didn't think to log other two* and it's here:
- Stock up on PINK DNA and make Minis whenever someone is offering
- Constantly falls the minis to be any colours other than blue or pink and then place in gallery
- always try swapping dna mini pets
- check gallery search for people who have dna minipets (always read if they swap or not though, some people don't like swapping but i've never been told no)
- stock up on restockable minipets
- farm for yarn or buy yarn when its sold for cheap or bulk
- never buy the minipet with the yarn on already unless it's cheaper than attaching the yarn itself
- if you can get blood for cheap also stock up on that for the undying minipets
- never buy blood or dna from the AU store, 9/10 it will be sold in trades for MUCH cheaper
This process has saved me quite literally MILLIONS and has made hospice literally a breeze for me, I've had the same carpet for three runs now and not needed to spend a whole lot.
Any questions or advice re Hospice please feel free to MM/MT me or post here in hopes it encourages more players to try it!