Lending some pets
5 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
19th May 2019 13:21 chevral the Chibi Chibs. has eaten 1,360 gourmets, learnt 42 instruments, and has read 112 books. Lending fee is 1,360,960mp
Gosmos the Moonlight Vixen. Lending fee is 202,760mp
Vladame the Bug Vlad. Lending fee is 200,720mp
Kazuhiko the Moonlight Straya. Lending fee is 182,160mp
Intuitive the Gothic Figaro. Lending fee is 175,400mp
Kahmar the Zombie Oglue. Lending fee is 153,920mp
Panelle the Baby Nino. Lending fee is 128,920mp
Quelicious the Halloween Quell. Lending fee is 103,360mp
I will only lend my pets, don\'t ask me to trade with you. I love my pets to much that I don\'t want to potentially loose them.
Mail me or post here if you would like to borrow any of my pets.