minipets needed for avvies g to k
5 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
9th Nov 2019 13:02 gamma (random make plate at FW)
gingerbread (120+)
Glaxis (feed and view list)
glitch (attach to arcade decadal)
gobbled (random at FW)
gobby (400+)
goobie (grow)
googlag (unatach from mutant pet)
gromps (40+)
grouchy ( have green one in inventory and click)
gruff (make plate)
Harmoni (random at FW)
Hart (attach to Valentine pet)
Hodge (251+)
Holly (277+)
Iris (grow)
jacko (940+)
Jezebel (470+)
jinn (7+)
Karot (grow)
Keech (make plate)
Keewee (grow)
Kitto (make plate)
Korn (grow)