Need to Borrow Minipets A to C
5 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
13th Oct 2019 09:27 Alen (repeatedly attach)
Anlur (attach to vixen and view)
Anuriah (have in attic and search mini pets)
Anjet (150+)
Ata (22 days exactly)
Autumn (random at FW)
Bacon (160+)
Balloonimal (attach to pinata pet)
Batty (170+)
Batz (attach 11+ days then remove)
Baylien (random at FW)
Bearger (eat and view list)
Belle (make plate)
Billy (157+)
Blake (exactly 22 days)
Blub (attach to water pet)
BonBon (random at FW)
Boris (exactly 31 days)
Bubbles (attach to underwater for 112+)
buckaroo (190+)
bugsy (attach to minipet pet)
bullo (attach to daisy)
bunns (make plate)
buttercream (feed and view list)
butters (41+)
buzzy (attach to bee 51+)
centaur (make plate)
charmer (50+)
chevron (220+)
chibi (wear chibs outfit piece and attach to pet)
chickle (make plate)
chook (600+)
christmas (200+)
chuckles (exactly 16 days)
clovite (attach to leprechaun pet for 20+)
crabs (exactly 26 days)
crush (attach to valentine pet 50+)