A Plethora of Pets!
4 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
23rd Feb 2020 19:57 I have 5 pets now: Fang67 the yellow Bolimo, my first-ever pet and my best fighter(although I haven't won a battle yet); Fluffytail101, a yellow Murfin that I adopted, and good in the art industry; Spike76, who was once a red Zetlian but is now an easter Fasoro, and my Olympics pet; Syrofly the blue Speiro; and my newest pet, Squirre1flight the red Kaala. I'm making a lot of MP now but I still probably can't afford 13 pets, let alone 100! I may auction or trade Spyrofly soon, I'll let you know.
(P.S.: Spell check really didn't leave me alone with this one!)