Minipet Avis I still need A-G
5 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
27th Oct 2019 12:24 Anjet- 150+ days
Apophis- buy from spy shop
Aristocorn- make plate
Balloonimal- Pinata pet view
Bananey- grow one
Baxter- 3+ days
Beach- 11 days
Bearger- guess I fed it to my pet before the avi came out guess i just have to temple to get it.
Bitty- on Syldrin wait 30+ days
Blake- aged 22 days
Blub- on Loreah drew her water
Boris- 31+ days
Brocklee- grow one
Bubbles- underwater pet 112+ days
Buckaroo- 190+ days
Bugsy- attach to minipet pet.
Bullo- got mini need daisy
Cactoo- grow one
Cactus- grow one
Cairo- buy from spy shop
Camofog- make plate
Cherii- grow one
Chevron- age 220 days
Chickle- make a plate
Chook- attach 600+
Christmas- 200+ days
Chubular- make a plate (looking to buy)
Chuckles- age 16 days
Clovite- 20+ days Leprechaun pet on Loreah
Cohnonut- grow one
Crush- 50+ days Valentine pet on Loreah
Cubby- make plate (want to buy)
Cupcake- make plate (want to buy)
Daffy- grow it
Damaged- 37 days on Auralie
Daniel- 780 days
Dapple- make plate
Delayed- 820+ days
Devil- 250+ days
Diamond- 80+ day
Dragoth- make plate (looking to buy)
Drenched- 62+ days on Creepies
Drowsy- 176 days
Egbert- make plate
Eggy- 590+ days on Creepies
Elektro- on lightning pet
Ember- on cais 110 days
Erto- 300 days
Experiment 667- 40 days on Creepies
Fandor- 900 days
Fang- 10 days
Festival-attach view
Flayee- get from pog.... hahahahaha temple
Float- on Creepies more than 158 less than 204 days
Flobberbat- 1100 days on Creepies
Fluffy- 200 days
Flurso- make plate (buy)
Freedom- make plate (buy)
Frosty- make plate
Gazelle- make plate (buy)
Gingerbread- attach 120+ days
Glitch- attach to Arcade Decadal
Gobby- 400+ days
Goobie- grow one
Googlag- unattach from mutant pet.
Goop- make plate
Gromps- 40+ days on Creepies
Grouchy- green grouch and view it.
Gruff- make plate