Avatar Lending
5 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
1st Sep 2019 09:01 Plates:
I have a cackles (make plate for avatar)
I have a candipeed (make a plate for avatar)
I have a cirroc (make a plate for avatar)
I have a dapurtle (make a plate for avatar)
I have dumdo (make plate)
I have future (make plate)
I have krampling (make plate)
I have lindsey (make lindsey plate)
I have lolzbra (make a plate)
I have neil (make a plate)
I have partridge (make a plate)
I have ryan (make plate)
I have salvus (make plate)
I have shnuggle (make plate at ferris wheel)
I have shyee (make plate)
I have sue (make plate)
I have tefty (make plate)
I have toff (make plate)
For viewing minipets:
Eucalyptus ( 138,520 mp)
- I have pingi (view minipet)
- I have witchlet (view minipet)
feeshy_weeshy (18,200 mp)
- I have pyri (view minipet)
- I have dracone (view minipet)
For Instruments and collections:
- bell
- bagpipe
- bongos
- bottled (view play list)
- castanets
- cello
- clarinet
- claves
- cymbals
- drum
- electric guitar
- flute
- Forest Fairy (view playlist)
- french horn
- Guitar
- harp
- horn
- koudi
- lute
- maracas
- midi
- morbid obese (view food list)
- music (view cd list)
- Obese (view food list)
- obese fairy (view food list)
- pan flute
- photo collector (view photo album)
- piccolo
- plump (view food list)
- plushie passion (view plushie collection)
- recorder
- saxaphone
- stop eating (view food list)
- super obese (view food list)
- tamborine
- tuba
- triangle