Quest & Pet Stats
5 years & 7 days ago
5th Jan 2020 17:05 2024 December 31st | 14:48:02Rosie_Marie_Lee
4 Imprisoned
1 Death
Health: 829
Level: 691
Magic: 1,270
Strength: 763
Defence: 752
Speed: 792
Balance: 458
Coordination: 452
Stamina: 456
Charisma: 712
Business Studies: 48
Computer Science: 7
Environmental: 8
Humanities: 47
Law: 9
Molecular Science: 6
Politics: 46
Sociology: 37
Art: 189
Geography: 217
History: 208
Language: 278
Maths: 294
Music: 138
Science: 93
Sports: 89
Books: 613
CDs: 509
DVDs: 371
Gourmet Food: 5,263
Instruments: 631
Magazines: 1,902
Newspapers: 750
Spells: 167
Toys: 3,286
Transformations: 799
Job: Level 12 Actor
Weapons: x2 Rainbow Fairy Staff, Purple Magic Powder, Red Magic Powder, 650 HP
Collections Total
Shop size: 399
Avatars (969)
Gallery (1,190)
Trading Cards (165)
Glowing Eggs (330)
Wardrobe (4,439)
Photos (2,391)
Plates (1,343)
Plushies (1,507)
Stamps (588)
Experiences (34)
Quests in Total: 44,732
Aquarium: 577
Borak's Brew: 1,693
Candy Tree: 1,339
Carpenter: 1,258
Computer Repair: 626
Cosmonaut: 400
Desert Spy: 1,124
Drew: 1,025
Eleka Prison: 930
Farming: 840
Garage: 500
Haunted House: 4,776
Hump Racing: 256
Kamilah Traveler: 1,563
Knutt House: 150
Knutt Knight: 568
Leprechaun: 2,370
Microwave: 257
Personal Trainer: 59
Puchalla Inn: 501
Queen Bee: 2,137
Robot Repair: 92
Santa Claws: 1,921
Secret Santa: 3,783
Sewers Monster: 451
Shusan: 370
Simerian Excavator: 2,630
Simerian Explorer: 1,092
Slater Stalker: 144
Snowman: 2,900
Sumo Sally: 547
Talon: 7,553
Travis Truck: 300
Total Goals completed: 951 | 6 out of 22 Goals completed.
Completed: City Sewers, Eleka's Castle, Jenoa, Minipet Island, Vortex Park, Ziranek
Baspinar's Castle Lvl31
Biala Mountain Lvl44
Candyland Lvl42
City of Marada Lvl45
Dukka Caves Lvl44
Enpiah Lvl45
Foxfire Forest Lvl44
Gigantic Paradise Lvl49
Kamilah Desert Lvl42
Lowlyhood Lvl38
Lush Lake Lvl45
Nimbus Lvl28
Puchalla Village Lvl46
Simeria Lvl32
Slater Park Lvl35
Undying Woods Lvl41
Maps completed: 20 of 26
Missing: Bootleg Pyramid, Ice Caves, Poison Pit, Puny Pyramid, Vending Machine
2025 GOALS
Reach Progress Level 75
Reach Rosie's Health to 1,500
Reach LVL 20 Actor JOB (Double Mags)
Start a new job: Astronaut/Journalist (Double Newspapers) -OR-
Athlete/Chef (Double Plates) -OR- Model/Policeman (Double Photos)
Have 3,000 photos
Have 2,000 plates
1,250 Newspapers Collected (Glowing Egg)
3,100 Magazines collected (glowing egg)
Reach 5,000 Wardrobe
Have 375 Glowing Eggs
Reach 2,200 Transformations (Glowing Egg)