elger || s t a t s
5 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
3rd Aug 2019 10:40 Starting MPs: 100,000
Starting # of Quests: 1837
End MPs: 4,514
End # of Quests: 1851
Spent: 95, 486
# of Quests: 14
Amount of Crystals: 28
Sold: 303,446
Profit (Sold-Spent): 203, 446
Starting MPs: 308, 777
Starting # of Quests: 1851
End MPs: 4,966
End # of Quests: 1886
Spent: 303, 811
# of Quests: 35
Amount of Crystals: 70
Sold: 762, 393
Profit (Sold-Spent): 458, 582
Starting MPs: 767,359
Starting # of Quests: 1886
End MPs: 4,823
End # of Quests: 1995
Spent: 762,536
# of Quests: 109
Amount of Crystals: 218
Sold: 2,253,082
Profit (Sold-Spent): 1,490,546
Starting MPs:
Starting # of Quests:
End MPs:
End # of Quests:
# of Quests:
Amount of Crystals:
Profit (Sold-Spent):
Starting MPs:
Starting # of Quests:
End MPs:
End # of Quests:
# of Quests:
Amount of Crystals:
Profit (Sold-Spent):