Pet transformations since my comeback 3 months ago
6 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
23rd Aug 2018 20:39 Since coming back I???ve
Created achromatic
Traded my cursed zoink zulkae for a pixie lati
Transformed Hauoli into a prison figaro then coral figaro
Changed lorellin into a party addow
Changed physis to a floral zola
Changed piglyn to a doll costume
Created questions the school kujo
Created Synthesis the earth fairy nino
Created Zygo the nimbus walee
Gaveaway vesperi the headless daisy
Turned achromatic into white snookle
Traded cursed chibs for strays and viotto
Changed viotta into advent
Hauoli is now wearing Polar Costume
Anticrust the Red Xoi is born
Anticrust has changed into Green Kujo
Anticrust is now wearing Villain Costume